What did Ben Affleck mean by this??
What did Ben Affleck mean by this??
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Ya gotta do what ya gotta do
He's hardening his lungs against Corona using ancient Native American tribal medicine.
Means hell probably die young of some sort of cancer. And they will bring his picture up on the big screen at the Oscars that year. Then, he will fade into insignificance. Call me Negro-Domus
Shinobi revitalized Bin Al Fleck might be his most powerful form yet. Truly majestic.
hes batman
>wearing a mask to protect myself from a respiratory illness
>better take it off to have a smoke
>cheat on his wife
>gets fat
>gets a gf
>still smoking
I miss Osama Bin Afleek posting
I miss bauer posting more than anything. That and vince posting.
I doubt any virus can survive being filtered through a ciggy
my boy's wicked smaht
how many MiGs he shoot down last week
It’s not like the masks actually do anything anyways.
Things must be rough if he went back to smoking.
Herd immunity means everyone's going to get it, the trick is not to die from it which sm*kers are at much higher risk
He’s just exhausted fromfucking Ana de Armas 24 hours a day.
how bout them apple flavored cigarettes
wish that was me
if you smoke only every once in a while so that you don't really have lung damage but have nicotine in your system, then it's probably helpful, but if you're a pack a day smoker for years then the little bit of help from the nicotine will not outweigh your lungs being already fucked
The difference is this pic is going to go in some tabloid and Ben's is going to sit on his phone for 2 years until he's random scrolling through his pics and sees this pic of a guy taking his pic and audibly says "what the fuck is this?" before deleting it
>everyone's going to get airborne Chinese AIDS which attacks all your organs not just your lungs and gives 20-30 year olds with no symptoms strokes
Sounds encouraging user. If that's the case you might as well smoke yourself to death right now cause we're all fucked.
Fucking lol. This guy is the avatar of depressed substance abuser
Tell me about Ben, why does he wear the mask?
Wait is he taking a picture of a big mirror
for you
>Bin Al Fleck