James Gunn revealed some new information about the movie during an instragram live.

>Rocket will be the central character and the movie will explore who created him and why.

>Kraglin will have a bigger role and actually be part of the team.

>Rocket's otter girlfriend Lylla and Drax's presumed dead daughter Kamaria might appear.

>Adam Warlock is not a certainty.

>A major Guardian will die.

>This will be a definitive end to this version of the Guardians, and Gunn has no plans for a fourth movie.

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I liked the first one but the second was really self indulgent

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I wanna see the girls give me handjobs

Man it felt like we had a run of a few days just now where we weren't getting capeshit threads every five minutes and today they're back in force

Why show Adam Warlock if Gunn won't do anything with him?

Just don't read them.

He will, he's just trying to hype it up.

>Guardians of the Galaxy

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>A major Guardian will die.
definately drax

Gotg is the only capeshit i like and the only upcoming Marvel movie i'm looking forward to. It's kinda shitty what Avengers did to Starlord though, he's an idiot punching bag in those films, his gf fucking dies and they make a joke out of it when she comes back where she shits on him, kicks him in the dick and leaves. And now the third movie won't have the second most important character cause she got reset to her pre-guardians state