Tfw no gf

Now that the dust has settled... was it kino?

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You tell me.

Didn’t watch lmao

it made me realize i've been too mean to the newfags on here
they don't belong here, but because of their desperation to fit in on twitter/facebook/instgram they don't have a choice but to constantly look for stuff to take home to get likes

I watch marvel/DC dreck at 1.5 speed i dont have time for this shiiiiieeet

I really like documentaries that are just about regular people or people that are kind of odd, like american movie, grey gardens, crumb, etc. so I liked this one too. My only complaint is that these guys can definitely get gfs so chalk it up to false advertising

How much are they paying you?

The dust hasn't settled yet, wait a year or two.

It's pretty decent, though it was largely a bunch of screenshots. There's a limited amount of entertainment you can squeeze out of the subject matter but it was interesting enough. I would've liked some more animations though. Also, pic related is fucking retarded.

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>can't get laid
lmao who cares faggot

Just watched it. That Texan was a retard. He was clearly putting on a persona of being some tough guy. You could tell by the forced deepening of his voice and saying 'fuck' every two seconds. Cringe.
The other dudes were fine. But the documentary didn't have much point or purpose. I guess if you're a normie and want to know what some randoms from twitter and Yas Forums are like, it's watchable. But it doesn't go too deep at all. Nothing about what they do. Nothing about how they live. Just lots of monologues on their 'deep' thoughts. Shit film. Shit director. The only good scene was the abrasive electronic music accompanying the two dudes shooting their guns. You could tell a female made this.

Can never read viddys timeline again after that shit, posting about xenestros fucking his biology when the dude has an underbite that could function as a rainbarrel.

If you ever get tired of being borerline homeless now that charels has a gf you can be my trad trapwife, I'll buy you real ramen and a kimono and you can greet me when I get home. Your duties will be exclusively pirating and curating anime games and educational material.


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>have no GF
>women most affected

Cringe twitterm cant even spell wojak right

Not Kino. A kantbot biopic, now that would be kino.

they said id maybe get some custom onlyfans pictures for a discount if i did this

not available in my country

>Tfw have gf have sex with her daily sometimes practically all day
>Tama Tonga Appreciation Thread

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A girlfriend. A Girl Friend. Just think about how dumb that term is for a minute.

watch king cobra

>its a e-celeb twitter movie

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The documentary focused on Twitter posts more than Yas Forums posts. It seemed like it was focussed more on projecting an image of wojak onto lost youth more than any analysis of wojak or Yas Forums culture at all. They made it seem like the twitter posts were Yas Forums and Yas Forums is Yas Forums and Yas Forums is wojak. Decent enough documentary on some lonely young men but by no means is deserving of the title it gave itself.

Already did. Great suggestion. I think trappped is one of the only people that could pull off a real quality incel doc

Deutsche Welle had a kick ass piece about human trafficking in the Sahara out not too long ago.

Normies need to be spoonfed opinions

They even had sandwashed little girl friend little girl bones.

>we can now have eternal discussions about incels and Yas Forums culture with impunity because it is the subject of a film
jannies btfo

why was the cowboy even in this film? he ruined it badly

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Wojak is actually a pretty complicated issue, I unironically think that getting a complete image of it as an outsider and figuring out it's evolution as a concept (brainlet, boomer, coomer, etc.) would be akin to an art history dissertation or something, and I highly doubt this movie is on that level but I am curious to see how they did.

utterly uninteresting