Favorite Terrence Malick movie?

Favorite Terrence Malick movie?

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The Tree of Life as its the only one i've seen and plan to see.

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The New World

The Thin Red Line

He's showing some serious Christian vibes in A Hidden Life, was he our guy all along?

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Are you retarded? He's always had Christianity as an important part of his movies. Some of them even have literal priest characters spelling out the theme of the movie.

Tree of Life is my favorite, it's like the ultimate Malick film and imo the only film where his current obsession with lose structure and voiceovers over nature shots worked and actually made narrative sense.

Days of Heaven is close second even though i never understood why the characters are pretending to be siblings to "prevent gossip" like why would people gossip about a couple? They were actually cozying up to each other while playing siblings, wouldn't that create WAY MORE rumors?


days of heaven for the wheat memes

Yes. He did an exclusive viewing in Austria for a few priests and assorted people a few days before the main release, I happened to be at the same cinema and sneaked myself on a picture with them all. He also seems to be really nice overall.

I watch the New World pretty regularly

Badlands is my favourite (and favourite film in general) but I'd wager his best is The Thin Red Line or Tree of Life

welcome to 1978

how often?

twice a day

Plot twist: the shot in the OP is from my student film, not a Malick movie.

The one with all the pretty girlie feets

lame and tired

I dislike them all. malick is a pretentious hack and his flicks are all rubbish midwit bait

Miller's crossing.

Plot twist: I fucked your mum.

How is it a plot twist if i've been watching you do that for the past seven years, Bill?

no shit, your crappy lens gave it away

tree of life ended with the resurrection so i'm thinking yes

I think it looks very comparable to some shots in The New World considering I shot it on a phone.


Undeniably Tree of Life, never knew a movie could be filmed in such a way.

The one where there are nice shots but nothing happens

>nice shots
You le must le be le thinking le of le some le other le guy. Le.

>looks very comparable to some shots
>still image

Cinegrids are people too.
