>11 minute 30 second single take action sequence
uhh is this dare I say, kino? I hate the ambiguous ending tho
>11 minute 30 second single take action sequence
uhh is this dare I say, kino? I hate the ambiguous ending tho
>I hate the ambiguous ending tho
It's like that sou they can make a sequel
>Chris Hemsworth
Pass. He hasn't made a single good movie.
>we want the COD audience
it was still good shit though
Poo genocide kino
Did they seriously make an action movie about a strong white man kicking ass in some brown shithole country? How was it not cancelled?
Nobody watched it.
Hardly ambiguous. He survived. They are talking about sequels already
Someone has to give this cutie some BWC
Most viewed this weekend actually
>only efficient knife for slashing
ahhaha lmao get it CSGO VIDEOGAME KNIFE
Where, on some cuck platform like Shitflix? They pad their numbers.
Holy shit I am going to watch this movie right now.
"gratuitous pointless violence --- the movie "
How many cops and soldiers did they murder on their rampage
utter garbage just pulp , one step way from capeshit.
>CoD became popular by lifting scenes from action and war movies now movies are imitating CoD
we came full circle
is this the latest reddit flick?
>Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ew wtf it looks like she got her faced slammed by a door lol
cod became popular for being a fun multiplayer shooter, nobody cares about the campaign
>11 minute 30 second action sequence edited to look like a single take
If the people I hate don't like it then I am totally going to love it!
>white male savior spends entire movie killing brown people
hardly a reddit movie, wouldn’t you say?
me, but unironically
What's you're point Vanessa?
the MW trilogy was fucking kino
He's the new sheriff in town, and he's barring people from shitting in the streets. The Indians are stuck in their old ways and need a crash course in civility.
I gave up when they were in the factory, the payment hadn't come through, and I realised they still had an hour left. So boring.
What is the point of Bangladesh?
CoD 1-3 multiplayer was an afterthought, singleplayer campaigns were kino
MW1 and MW2 campaigns are remembered to this day
to serve as an eternal warning
This looks more like Far Cry. He is just one guy in a foreign country
>Muh Philippino autism
It's the tryhard of knives user
Is that timothee chalamet in brownface and a wig?
Pajeets are heavy on reddit.
To generate people desperate to leave who travel the world setting up 'Indian' restaurants.
Press F to pay respects
it is, but why wouldnt you want to try hard in a fight? quieres morir?
> not a single scratch for fighting whole poo squad
> bleeds and get injured from jumping out of a car
Yeah, this is most stupid action I've ever saw.
So you would call a film with Dolph Lundgren mowing down hordes of dindus a black film?
am I the only one that wasn't seriously baited by the action?
I was bored the entire time and the predictability was cringe. that fucking entire stupid situation with David Harbour showing up out of nowhere as a pure plot device.
God it was so bad
It was a really stupid action movie. I liked the one where ex soldiers steals from drug baron with Afflec more
Wasn't him in a zombie movie? Yeah he was, Dead Trigger (2017)
Unironically, to weaken the power of Pakistan. Bangladesh used to be known as East Pakistan, until the 70s when India supported its bid for independence. Until then, India and Pakistan were relatively evenly matched, but afterward, the balance of power in South Asia swung in India's favour.
t. poo
>White guy dies for brown kid