Better times

Better times.

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it was the best of times, it was the blerst of times

ywn go back to being able to rent a N64 game, a movie and buy a soda and snickers on a Friday night

why live...

There was a sliver of time where that was all you needed to make life exciting.

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>"Dad can we go to Blockbuster?"
>"Sure son, hop in the car. You can get a game and a movie!"

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did your blockbuster have way too many copies of pilotwings too user?

There was nothing “better” or even decent about blockbuster, you’re just associating it with other happy memories.

Thanks Dad, you may be an empty husk of what you used to be, but you were a great Dad.

I feel as though I need to clear some things up about why Blockbuster Video closed, and why they went chapter 11 in the first place.

>Blockbuster Video used to be owned by a company named Viacom that was owned by a Jewish man named Sumner Redstone
>Viacom are money-grubbing whores
>Viacom buys all of blockbuster's rentals and merch with loans, instead of profits
>every year use profit to pay off loans, take out new loans to buy new merchandise
>blockbuster decides to split from viacom because they are tyrants
>viacom takes all of blockbuster's profits from that year, but does not pay off the loans
>the loans were taken out under blockbuster's name, not viacom's, so the loans technically belong to blockbuster
>viacom does not tell this to blockbuster corporate
>when blockbuster finds out, there is already a shit ton of interest, and viacom has all of their profits
>desperately try every quarter to pay off loans
>1 mil loan becomes 3 mil then 5 mil, finally tens of millions of dollars are owed
>go chapter 11, file for bankruptcy
>Dish network buys Blockbuster Video, because they want to use the iconic Blockbuster Video logo to sell tv subscriptions, plus wants brick and mortar stores to sell tv subscriptions
>closes unprofitable stores that were still around after chapter 11 closings
>has 300 locations left
>all are profitable
>blockbuster is profitable as a whole again, especially in the North East
>fast forward 2 years to 2013
>Dish decides to go exclusively to streaming
>considers selling BBV
>no fewer than 3 companies are interested in buying
>but Dish wants to keep Blockbuster logo for streaming service, cant do that if they sell the company
>decide to liquidate stores, put 3000 people out of work, all over the rights to a logo
>tell employees they are being laid off AFTER telling the news networks

Blockbuster's problem was it was owned by two shitty corporations.

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You dont miss Blockbuster, they were inconvenient as fuck and very anti-consumer. You miss the simpler times of being a kid with no responsibilities who had mommy and daddy footing the bill for your escapist entertainment

Anyone who actually misses blockbuster wasnt paying for the rentals.

Hollywood Video was much better.
Blockbuster censored their films.

Hollywood Video > Blockbuster

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your locally owned video store > Blockbuster

i grew up in connecticut and Tommy K's video was the best video store, they had those all over the whole state and they had the weirdest selection of fucked up horror movies and other oddities. the big chain stores could never compare for me

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>airing out your dad issues to a Sri Lankan yodeling support group
quit being a nigger

hell i miss the earlier days of Netflix DVD rentals when they actually had just about every movie thats on DVD. now they dont have shit, i have a feeling theyll probably do away with the DVD in the mail thing soon because most people just use it for their shit streaming service now.

blockbuster didnt have any unrated or x-rated movies, nothing worse than R. what a bunch of faggots!

Yet it had the forbidden room behind a curtain. Managed to seek a peak a few times while the over was distracted, simpler times.

Dad would rarely ever rent a film. I could count the film titles he rented during my childhood on one hand.

>Go to Blockbuster to just look around.
>Dad doesn't believe in renting because he pays for HBO, Showtime, Cinimax, Disney Channel, and just buys me the movies I really want on VHS
>Dad dislikes the idea of paying someone $5 for a movie he will never own.
>Wont rent me a movie or game no matter how much I bug him

>See blonde Chad family after Chad family in line waiting to pay with their movies , games and over priced candy/soda .

>Wish I to could be part of a Chad family so I could know what it's like to rent a movie / game followed by picking up a Pizza on the way back home every Friday night.

Thought one day I would be able to break the family curse, and rent movies with my own kids someday. Than Blockbuster closes forever. I'll never get to know the feel renting a movie (From an actual video store) and buying a pizza on a Friday night.

>tfw you will never know what it's like to be part of The Chad family.

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It doesn't matter what happened to blockbuster. It's about the death of the video store.

We didn't even have a blockbuster membership, my friends parents did but I always went to independent stores.. many of which blew blockbuster out of the water.
Blockbuster was mostly pleb tier 2bh, their specialty was new shit. Indy joints had low quantity of the new shit so you'll have to wait till it's brought back and that can take weeks because they're rented out quickly.. but they also had kino, cult classics, foreign movies, anime (which was all adult rated back then), art-house, mondo-house, stuff that was too graphic or obscure for a big corporation to put on their shelves.

Video stores were like libraries to movie people.

>"there's lots of competition from companies streaming tv shows and movies over the internet, and they can even let you get yuor games downloaded onto your console's hard drive. Let's raise prices and shorten rental times. That'll make us money, right?"

Fuck them. They died of terminal stupidity.

Almost forgot how expensive that place was

You’re an outcast and your personality is weird and alienating to everyone you meet

I thought I was the only one..

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*shedding a tear for all the years that gone by*

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>Friday night
>mom lets you pick
>1 movie
>1 game
>1 snack

choose wisely...

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I never had the family experience but my best friend and I were given movie and junk food money every week. Usually got R rated horror movies if the "cool" guy was working. As for pizza I want this back.

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they had a shitty selection either way

Before women and subhumans ran the media or we had a nigger in the White House

Less is more "everything is nostalgia, I am so smart" faggot.

Subhumans still ran the media, but they were playing it safe.

Going to the video store with your best friend is a feeling we'll never see again.. it's not the same anymore. Even if blockbuster or whatever came back, you can't replicate that era

Better times

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>very anti-consumer.

you stupid monkey

working at video stores in the early 2000s was the best job i ever had no job ive had since has been as fun

I honestly don't even know how kids socialize these days.

Do you know how anybody socializes, user? Come on now...

This. Blockbuster sucked.
1) They’d move in and kill off all the surrounding Mom and Pop rentals by buying a wall of tapes for every new release,
2j They were always staffed by asshole kids who couldn’t do their job.
3) Because the staff sucked, you’d get late fees all the time because they’d check your shit in late even though you returned it early.
4) Sometimes they’d just not check it in at all and it’d sit on the shelf racking up late fees for you.
5) Any PS1 game wouldn’t work. Disc too scratched. Complain about it? Now you have to replace it.
6) The snacks were always ten times what you’d pay anywhere else.
7) Rental prices were also jacked up.
8) Outside the hundred copies of whatever release came out recently, nothing else was ever in, but half the time, it was because the lazy, incompetent staff hadn’t put it back on the shelf.
9) They charged for membership, like $15, while every other place was fucking free,
On top of all that, the experience of renting was just inconvenient. It was basically like using a streaming program, except you had to make two drives to watch anything, and half the shit you’d want to watch is unavailable most the time. Instead of scrolling through options, you walk through aisles looking for options.

I dunno, but I pretend you're all my friends

i was always to scared to ask my parents for anything and on the absolute rare occasion i would ask to go to blockbuster it was almost always no. stacy older sister would take me with her sometimes though, and that was cool
im even less assertive now than i was then, but i dont mind it most of the time. at least my peen is kinda big i guess

On tik-tok right zoomie.. pfff what a shitty time to be a kid

too* scared
i promise im not a mexican

Human beings can’t socialize without a Blockbuster. Fact. Before Blockbusters, people didn’t socialize at all.