This show has the worst fanbase I've ever seen. Any criticism of it is boiled down to right wing bias
>"Dude, Watchmen was always SJW"
>"HBO Watchmen is just as morally ambiguous as the graphic novel"
>"It's more truthful to the source material than Snyder's movie (Note:Even if you hate snyder, it's a blatantly false statement)
I can't believe that these people are so adamant on defending something that trashes on it's source material so badly.
This show has the worst fanbase I've ever seen. Any criticism of it is boiled down to right wing bias
I actually would like to have a somewhat serious discussion about this series. Having both read the comic and watched the Snyder film I am absolutely baffled by this attempt to continue the story. After watching 8 or so episodes I could not even begin to understand the point of this series and how it relates to the original. It specifically ignores cliffhangers (rorschach's journal) and even characters from the original (NIte owl is nowhere to be seen) while changing previous characters to the point where they're unrecognisable. Can someone explain this show to me like a retard? What was the purpose of blackwashing the comic?
>What was the purpose of blackwashing the comic?
Blackwashing something popular is a goal in itself.
It's a hamfisted attempt to talk about cultural and racial divides in America. It has no subtlety whatsoever. Lots of people try to say it isn't "woke" and that all these people only criticize it because they only saw the first episode and/or clips only.
It was fine. I don't understand people who have strong feelings about it one way or the other.
>show is entirely about racism
>never explores why racism happen
That's because the entire fanbase is one guy that's an unbelievable cunt
>Repeatedly shits on everything that makes the graphic novel so beloved
>"I wonder why people have such strong feelings about it"
I wish that was the case
The looking glass episode was pure kino. So disappointed he was barely in the show after that. The Veidt scenes were good too.
have sex
Yeah I read the graphic novel. I've also read the Great Gatsby. Great book. I didn't get fanny flustered by the movie being not so great though.
How was this even the case? What did it even attempt to portray about race other than "racism bad".
this was a huge ratings turd
>Dude, Watchmen was always SJW
You weren't supposed to sympathize with Rorschach or The Comedian.
>HBO Watchmen is just as morally ambiguous as the graphic novel
HBO Watchmen could have used more moral ambiguity. Sister Night and Looking Glass were both pretty much 100% portrayed as heroes.
>It's more truthful to the source material than Snyder's movie
Your show's not good Lindeloff
what's the point of making it if you're not going to make it at least spiritually faithful to the source material (It shouldn't have been made period per Alan Moore's wishes). It defeats the whole point
>"HBO Watchmen is just as morally ambiguous as the graphic novel"
For real? The original was about Ozymandias turning cold war paranoia against nations to force nations to get along. The remake was about "WHITE MAN BAD BLACK PEOPLE GOOD." Then blue Teal'C shows up and blasts away honkeys.
They're absolutely nothing alike.
>You weren't supposed to sympathize with Rorschach or The Comedian.
No kidding. Of course not, but you can't make Rorschach the most likeable person in the setting and expect people to hate him.
I do agree I like the squids better but it made more sense generally for Snyder's take
That's what Lindeloff said he was aiming for as he believed racial tensions were the new "cold war". You can't make this stuff up
"Dr. Manhattan kind of forgot he despised humanity"
Moore wanted Rorschach to be the right-wing trash every hated, but it turned out that Rorschach ended up coming across as the most clear-focused and sane one.
If we're talking generally, the first nite owl is the most likeable one. Everybody is else is either self-absorbed, borderline to straight up psychopaths, or just broken shells.
>what's the point of making it if you're not going to make it at least spiritually faithful to the source material (It shouldn't have been made period per Alan Moore's wishes). It defeats the whole point
Well maybe they were faithful to the spirit from their point of view. But I mean the ultimate answer of why any show gets made is money.
I still doesn't explain why people get in such a tissy over it. You don't have to care about every piece of crappy fanfic.
It's just the hack writer way to give a show relevancy through controversy and pandering. That's not to say anytime a characters race is changed its always for a bad reason but really unless you have a legitimately inspired reason to change the characters race that would make sense in universe and thematically it's just an easy way to try and cover up a lack of understanding of the source material under the guise of a "reimagining" but it usually ends up as a raping.
Moore is a raging homo
>You weren't supposed to sympathize with Rorschach or The Comedian.
Yeah you were, especially the Comedian who in the end is forgiven and redeemed. The author not liking or personally disagreeing with Rorschach doesn’t mean you aren’t “supposed to” like him. Ultimately, the comic is so open ended that you can choose to side with basically any character and you’d be “right.” TV show Watchmen is so black and white it may as well be an episode of He-Man. Far less interesting.
>Well maybe they were faithful to the spirit from their point of view.
One of the things that made Watchmen so great is the moral ambiguity and being left to interpret things on your own. The show had very little of that. The remake tries to force a clear message on its audience. I can't see how they were faithful at all.
>But I mean the ultimate answer of why any show gets made is money.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't expect quality.
>I still doesn't explain why people get in such a tissy over it. You don't have to care about every piece of crappy fanfic.
Let me use Charlie's Angels as an example. I do not give a shit about Charlie's Angels. The 2000s movies were alright. The remake however was godawful. Am I going to be upset about it? No. But that doesn't change the fact that the remake was godawful and disrespectful to what came before. Am I going to constantly compain about HBO Watchmen? No because I still have the graphic novel that I can read at any time. That doesn't change the fact that HBO watchmen is crap and disrespectful.
I wish you could criticize or praise the show without everyone shitting all over themselves because I genuinely think that the show is fucking bad mostly because of how it portrays the characters from the original comic. I also thought it was hilarious how a major theme of the original watchmen was "masks make men cruel" and the show makes it "masks make men cruel unless they're a woke POC and then they're awesome"
It's a hamhanded attempt to equate Veidt's utopia with postbellum America, that to exist thanks to sacrifice (New York Squid/Slavery) is a sin. That's why they completely shit on the nuance of Ozy's plan and obtaining world peace.
Not really, Nite Owl is like Batman with no tragedy, just a rich guy who likes solving crime because it makes him feel powerful. Rorschach has gotten the short end of the stick his entire life and wants the sinners of the world to pay for it, which is borderline villainous but still understandable.
2 or 3 great episodes in the middle
sjw foundation generally ruins credibility
idiotic writing
bad lead
a few good costars
Waste of time for true fans
didn't make sense
I thought doctor Manhattan left because Ozymandias framed him in the public eye
but then the episode with looking glass they had an alien and Ozymandias said he made that
I like how the only black character in this supposedly biting progressive show that actually suffers from racism did so several decades ago.
No other black character has to deal with it beyond the impersonal cartoon villains.
> he believed racial tensions were the new "cold war"
you're joking right?