"we have minim wage... Why not maximum wage? "

>"we have minim wage... Why not maximum wage? "
It was an average movie but it made some good points

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The whole epilogue was unnecessary imo. Could have easily ended at the party or with the kid seeing the Morse code

How about zero wage regulation you goddamn slant eyed gook piece of shit. Commie pinko fuck.

Normies who never got bait and switched by a movie before were blown away. I'm just shocked that there were so many of them considering how deeply ingrained Psycho is in pop culture, and bait and switch was its shtick too.

It's actually a terrible point and the minimum wage should be abolished.


Based, abolish the income tax and federal reserve too.

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Abolish all minimum wages, immigration laws, and genders please

t. Neets and economiclets.
Anarcho capitalism and lolbertarianism are infantile disorders

I was kind of surprised that the rich family were genuinely nice people. Like you'd expect the rich dad to be treating his workers and the poor family like shit, but aside from the "Bro what's that smell" bit at the end, he seemed like a cool guy. Most other movies would've made him Mr. Burns evil.

eastern filmmaking can't handle loose ends

Eat the rich!

Rich people don't get paid wages you dumb fuck

Memories of Murder (from the same director as Parasite) would suggest otherwise.

indeed, why should waiters get to keep all the tips, TIP EVERYONE

LMAO get a load of this bootlicking poverty lover.
I hope the coming hyperinflation causes you to starve to death.

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>oh there is a maximum wage? >Guess I'll just earn less then
Said no rich person ever

Great thread on Parasite at tvch.moe/tv/

In the minds of the deranged leftists who made this movie he was pure evil. Its another case of a film being so bluepilled that its accidentally redpilled. So common these days!

>immigration laws
Private borders are superior and more effective.

Nobody takes anarcho capitalism and lolbertarianism seriously, its a joke. Idealist gargbage

Why do lolbertarians love jews so much? Why do they love immigrants so much and the chinese so much?

Nobody takes marxism seriously either.


But that's just because it's based on a true case that was still unsolved at the time

This is a pathetic attempt at strawman.
Lol what?

There's a million ways to earn wealth besides your salary

they make a lot of money

Marxism is the dumbest religion on earth.

The Park's aren't perfect, but anyone who thinks that the Kim's aren't scum is fucking retarded. So much so that the one who kicks a dog for no reason and has the biggest body count is the least bad one.

So the director actually grow over himself since Snowpiercer?

Because they like to larp as billionaire industry tycoons, despite not even being eligible to work at a gas station. It’s all very strange.

China is a libertarian paradise, basically lawless shithole
The white man can't allow the greedy capital to abuse the volk.
The capital has to work for the people.

>if you're being outcompeted by nationalized foreign slave labor you're just not working hard enough for low enough wages

Dialectical materialism is pseudoscience.

>I was kind of surprised that the rich family were genuinely nice people
t. bootlicker

I agree. Entire Twitterverse was trying to say the "walls," were horrible and that the rich didn't want to be with the poor people. Well lets see what the "poor," people did
>lied to get a job in the rich house
>gave a women allergic reactions to get her out of her job
>kick a person down a flight of stairs without caring
>tying up a man downstairs without caring
>left them there to die
>started using the rich peoples commodities
>stab someone

I mean YEAH I'd want a fucking wall too!

Yeah fuck laws and rules and stuff

Maximum amount of leftshit cocksuckers in any country should be zero, it is a matter of well being of any community.

>gooks complaining about capitalism
>keeps scamming rich people for a living instead of starting a real company

uh, kek

Imagine missing the point this hard.

And yet we still have no idea what happened to the retard wife and her retard kids, I was much more curious about that than I was about the kid pledging to be a millionaire so he could buy the mansion and let his dad out of the basement.

Exactly. State imposed minimum wage is only necessary in countries where the worker doesn't have any power so the nanny state has to do it for them.

because maximum wage wouldn't even hurt the rich, the rich don't work for wages.

No we don't.
Our entire point is that free markets help the poorest in society far more than any other ideology.
Imagine being cucked enough to support central banking and claim you support the poor.

Manufacturing has left America due to our status as world reserve currency and getting off the gold standard in 1971. We produce almost nothing except inflation and the world sends us their stuff.

>china is libertarian
Imagine being this retarded

There is nothing quite so pathetic as a poor man simping for the rich man's benefits.

He's not, a minimum wage actually fucks over the poor.
You'd know this if you weren't economically illiterate.

Yes china is libertarian

>He's not, a minimum wage actually fucks over the poor.
There's hard data against this retarded myth,you still believe 70s propaganda lmao

Read the OP again you dolt

Yeah, they have no central banking, no government spending, no taxes, no state owned businesses, no tariffs and no government intervention.

Very libertarian lmao


You mean how it caused the teen unemployment rate to skyrocket? You mean how it caused massive unemployment in American samoa?
THAT hard data?

Yas Forums is so retarded for thinking this movie is just "rich people bad" when there's critique of both sides in the movie. Just like Yas Forums thinks TPAB is just "white people bad"

>no central bank , no government spending
Like I said, an infantile disorder, this is why nobody takes you seriously

So is austrian economics

>why dont I get paid to jerk off and watch anime?

Lurk before posting, economylet

>the rich family were genuinely nice people
Ignoring someone who works under you who wasn't even supposed to be there today getting stabbed over your retard son "having a seizure" makes you a cunt.

Not even calling an ambulance for the other person, just shouting for the keys while someone else was literally bleeding out.

We had the industrial revolution and highest real wage growth under a gold standard and no central bank.
You are legitimately a manchild.

how would companies attract top hires if there's a cap on the income they offer? benefits? perks? whores?

It's called a "minimum wage" because they'd pay their employees less if they could. Thinking otherwise is delusional at best.

>benefits? perks? whores?
That's already happening.
My dying son takes precedence over any and all employees. Learn to family.

>newfaggot with zero argument

Periods in history that were the closest to the Austrian ideal had the most growth and highest living standards for workers.
How is the study of human action in any way pseudoscience?
inb4 muh rational man strawman

>gold standard
Holy shit it keeps getting worse
How would you classify this mental disorder?

Then far more people would be employed.
Only a tiny portion of the economy is productive enough to only make minimum wage

It doesn't fuck over the poor so much as the "almost poor". The people who make low but not minimum wages are the ones hurt by the burger flippers being elevated to their level

Why are you seething over the fact workers had higher living standards and wage growth under a gold standard?
Do you think conditions for workers are better now?
Surely you aren't this retarded user?

Anyone is quite capable of calling an ambulance, you don't have to be rich to do that in Korea you know.