>The math just doesn't add up, Howard.
The math just doesn't add up, Howard
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because all the good physicists are not american.
but all americans are good physicists
>i did science
>"You're simply blinded by your bias, Howard, you have an obvious vested interested one way, while I on the other hand don't"
It does though my friend. The Hutu government was able to kill 1,000,000 Tutsi in less than four months, and you are telling me that the Germans can’t kill 6,000,000 people in a couple of years?
>thinking you disprove a genocide with simple mathematics based on biased criteria
damn that's some high iq shit
But then where are the bodies, Howard? It takes 2 hours for a modern crematorium to fully cremate a human body. That's two hours times six million. How many years would that take?
This is why you only have a masters degree.
>see, 10 gorillion just like we said goy
not rebuttal
proof? The crematorium manufacturers disagree
and the mask slips
eat less food
Cremations are done thoroughly and with respect to the corpse these days. Different story in a camp. I don't think anyone claims every single one was incinerated. The camps were in operation for 10 years and one manufacturer made 76 ovens and one other made 42 for nazis. You could incinerate millions quite easily in that time.
1) Modern, sanitary burial cremations are done one body at a time, usually including a coffin, in ovens that are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between uses, at temperatures capped by safety regulations, and in which the remains are fully cremated.
2) Six million is the approximated sum for all of the holocaust's Jewish victims, not just those gassed and burnt.
3) The remnants of the bodies are in the mass graves where archeologists have dug up shards of human bone, teeth, hair, ash, and fat decomposing into wax. The estimated contents of these burial pits, along with the Nazis' own deportation lists and pre/post war census data, provides the death toll figure (usually estimated at 5.1 to 5.8 million).
show me one Nazi document that shows they had a policy to gas jews
>guys dropping bombs on people is the same as cremating them since the bodies are both turned to ash!
Wow a dumb Jew.
not an argument. 300k jews died in the holocaust, not 6 million. they were shot and starved and had typhus but they weren't gassed
You can't do it because there literally isn't any. You have to lie and say they were using codes when the fucking allies would just say they were killing people like Americans did it their communications about nuking Japs.
>300k jews died in the holocaust
This is a common denier tactic, using real numbers but in the wrong context. In this case 300,000 is the sum of all German holocaust victims specifically, according to a Swiss Newspaper in 1951. Approximately half of that number was German Jews.
you're wasting your time bro
holocaust deniers are more retarded than flat earthers
There are literally millions of pages of incriminating Nazi paperwork regarding the holocaust. Your argument us supposed to be that they were forged by Jews (without citing anything a forensic document analyst would consider evidence of course).
give the links to them
Not an argument.
He gets paid for it, it's not a waste
>the virgin soiman
>the chad bazingerr
This is a link to a blogspot which is itself an index of links to the electronic uploads of various archives.
Open Access Primary Sources: holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com
theres tons of irrelevant shit here show me what im supposed to be looking at tranny
I typoed there. Camps in operation for 12 years. Now take those 118 ovens for example and do the math. You'll get to around 5.6 million incinerations even if you do it in a controlled "humane" way of today which they didn't.