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Dancing Edition

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Zagreus is a bad story.

Too complex for its own good and ends up impressing no one.

Disagree, but i do think Scherzo is better

You maybe but I thought Zagreus surpassed nearly all of Doctor Who in how good it was

Uhhh bro I'm sorry but you just got lynched

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If its anything its too long and misuses a few characters such as Romana and spends quite a long time with Charley meeting not 5, 6, 7 and that one joke

Oh no! How is 10? going to get out of this?!

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based retard

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Who's excited for the Dalek rewatch?

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Oh no! It's another eighth doctor box set!

Episode 1: light-hearted story that has no real bearing on the arc. Usually has some classic series monster that appears.
Episode 2: kino episode that is usually written by John Dorney which is the best part of the entire boxset
Episode 3: arc heavy story which is by the numbers and is usually by Matt Fitton
Episode 4: Conclusion to the box set, which really only had a point in the last episode. The NuWho character that's prominently featured on the cover will feature in this episode. Sets up the next boxset rather than concludes this one.

Phil Morris (missing episodes guy who found Enemy/Web) is having a SERIOUS meltdown lately



Ian Levine eat your heart out, PM has been on this tirade for days now

Who photoshops this shit? it's so bad

fuck u, lee binding called it nIcE


Nine was unironically my favorite doctor

You really have no idea what you're talking about huh?

>Was the implication not that they’d exhausted all their nightmare superweapons and they were reduced to shooting each other with lasers because that’s all they had left?

I don't think so - what you're referring to sounds like the Genesis of the Daleks, were the Thals and Kaleds had exhausted their nuclear arsenals and were having to rely on increasingly primitive weapons to finish their war.

If that WAS the implication, then it's still an outright retcon.



>You weren't there, in the final days of the War. You never saw what was born. But if the timelock's broken, then everything's coming through: not just the Daleks, but the Skaro degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-have-been King with his army of Meanwhiles and Never-weres - the war turned into hell. And that's what you opened - right about the Earth. Hell is descending!


>My kind of world!


>Just listen! Because even the Time Lords can't survive that!


>We will initiate the Final Sanction. The End of Time will come... at my hand. The rupture will continue until it rips the Time Vortex apart -


>That's suicide!


>We will ascend, to become creatures of consciousness alone - free of these bodies, of time, of cause and effect -


>You see now? That's what they were planning, in the final days of the War. I had to stop them!

They weren't reduced to lasers and guns, they were still capable of unravelling the fabric of space-time itself, and all the monstrosities the Time War had birthed were still waging war.



What the fuck is a Never-were?

At a guess, I'd say the remnant of some person or creature - maybe a time echo, or something - that was wiped out of reality due to the Time War.

>Why yes I'm a terrible photoshopper. How could you tell?



Forgot pic

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Aborted fetuses

Paul Cornell looks like a sex offender

>never be cruel or cowardly
>to an alien that is basically The Thing but more evil

You got Capaldi's last lines pretty well, Paul.

He's known to have acted creepily around women and female fans in the past.

Have you ever met someone who has worked or works for the show?

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Who knows? That was one of the best things about RTD and the Time War he made it sound so fantastical and beyond our comprehension.

10 and 11 are the only good doctors


would explain his white knight syndrome.

Before this lockdown I liked Cornell. Now I hate him.

She can't even keep egalitarian like that. she abandoned the master to go to fucking Auschwitz

Let's go down the list of what 12 told 13.

>You wait a moment, Doctor. Let's get it right. I've got a few things to say to you. Basic stuff first. Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never, ever eat pears!

She was cruel when she took away the Master's perception filter and cowardly when she let that Gatekeeper die in her place. She hasn't ate any pears, yet.

>Remember, hate is always foolish. and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.
She showed a lot of blind hate to people like the Trump expy. She tries to be nice sometimes but fails a lot at being kind. For example, Graham being worried about his cancer and the Doctor not reassuring him.

>Oh, and you mustn't tell anyone your name. No one would understand it, anyway. Except, ah! (collapses) Except children. Children can hear it sometimes. If their hearts are in the right place, and the stars are too, children can hear your name. Argh! But nobody else. Nobody else, ever.
She hasn't told anyone her name, yet.

>Laugh hard, run fast, be kind. Doctor, I let you go.
I honestly don't remember her laughing much, if at all. She's ran fast, I'm pretty sure but again, she has failed to be kind.

Yes, my French teacher was Peter Miles and a friend of mine knows Michael Kilgarriff.