You lived your life like a man, Vincent. And you turned into a good man

>You lived your life like a man, Vincent. And you turned into a good man.

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> I gave you everything I had Chris.

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imagine feeling sorry for some pedo

kys faggot

I was actually a bit moved when I saw the hansen episode, but that piece of shit had tons of child porn on his pc so fuck him

But he wouldn't stay good, he become an outlaw.

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He somehow looks happy.

>"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." - John Wayne

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cp is 99.999% times solo softcore
way less degenerate than typical american porn

kill yourself fucking pedo piece of shit

"solo softcore" doesn't sound illegal you disgusting piece of shit

>I guess, I'm scared Chris

how do you know

explain this

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Okay FBI

>Hansen, if you ain't the finest rival I ever had
>Draw in ten, how 'bout it, partner?

Whenever Chris catches some young guy, I wonder if he's just some lonely incel desperate to meet the first girl to give them any attention.
Then I look at the chatlog and 90% of the time they're just as fucked up as the older predators.

posting in a based thread

You have to go back

I usually don't even watch the chatlogs, too much cringe.

But why the fuck are there people in this world who message supposed twelve year olds and ask them if they like rape

>But why the fuck are there people in this world who message supposed twelve year olds and ask them if they like rape
Guy to guy, we all have our fetishes, k?

nobody feels bad for him. relax.

Not him but i work in law enforcement and have spent hundreds of hours looking at CP and most of it is solo.

I can't be the only one who felt at least a little bad for him during the show before reading everything else about him

alone reading this shit makes me want to vomit and feel fucking angry how can anyone stand having a job like that

i noticed that many cops get really zynical and almost hostile towards random people they meet because they constantly have to work with so much scum but this?

I never felt bad but I find his story captivating.

meant for

to me its unclear if the asker is trying to ascertain whether the counterparty is interest ted in rape as a concept or whether that individual wants to be raped. To want rape is a contradiction and is analogous to wanting to be taken over hostiley.

The ancient Greek poet Hesiod in Works and Days (c. 700 BC) suggests that a man should marry around the age of thirty, and that he should take a wife who is five years past puberty.

But it's exploiting and harming a minor who either couldn't give consent (primarily) or was coerced. Porn involves adults who made their decision willingly.

maybe it's not even a real question, or he doesn't really expect an answer. he just gets off to asking alone. i mean those decoys aren't the only ones they messaged, i guess. they're just the only ones that actually answer

He turned his life around user. There is hope.

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>vincent ambrosio
such a great name. wasted.

Its rough but someone has to do it.

Doesnt look like him.