Watched Blade Runner 2049

Watched Blade Runner 2049.

I do not have any complaints about this movie.

It is bliss. It is pain.

It is both the first bite of a freshly cooked steak and the taste of ashes in your mouth.

It is my favorite film.

So many of us want to be special, but few of us truly can be.

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It's part of the classic sci-fi pantheon now for sure.

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indeed brother

It was trash and so are you.

tits or gtfo

Dude I just had the most sublime culinary experience of my life. Ortolanian. Ducassian. I just had a double cheeseburger at McDonald's.

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Work off the calories then

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why is she so perfect bros

my only complaints are that leto wasnt david bowie because he died, and the terrible voice over/flashback scenes near the end that exist solely to explain things to retarded general audiences
exquisite autism display

The complete emptiness.

The lack of gf.

And the final realization that you are born way too early to have a hologram or replicant gf. It is both too late and early at the same time.

No one will be at your funeral.

plenty of people don't have funerals at all


Did you forget about everything that comes after the bridge scene?
You can make yourself special only through your own individual actions, not just by the nature of your being.

I can rewatch it indefinitely

4 hour cut when

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Threadly reminder that JOI achieved sentience and free will in the rain/balcony scene

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gotta carry on the tradition for my fallen brethren

check those fucking digits

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Based brade runner poster

uridon stop samefagging

tl dr?

basically women were a mistake

women are more essential than men

just their wombs, nothing else

just what matters

Can someone explain what people mean when they say the cinematography is "dishonest"?

there was no meaning, it was dishonest criticism


god damn, Gosling is such a great actor its a shame he get no credit for it and meme actors like Dicaprio and Streep do

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> those cop uniforms

It's a great movie but I feel like you're being a bit too quick to name it your favorite

True, I gotta see this movie again.

would be perfect if vangelis had made the music

Why didn't she get together with K? She clearly loved him.