Eventually all cinema will have to cater to the China market. Accept it.
Eventually all cinema will have to cater to the China market. Accept it
aint gonna happen bug
dubs and China gets destroyed soon, check 'em
And the films the Chinese want to see are ... Hollywood films.
why though? Smaller markets with very different interests exist.
Hollywood movies edited/censored for the Chinese market
China is getting nuked after this in a perfect world
The most successful films in china are Chinese movies, though. I'll never understand this "hollywood does nothing but pander to china" meme when a super-majority of Hollywood films don't even get released there, and most of the ones that do end up flopping. Even if this was true, I thought you guys hated Hollywood?
Nuke China!
I would be fine with it if it weren't for their pussy ass policy against skulls. How can you ban skulls and skeletons from movies when it's literally the only worthwhile part of a movie?
Decoupling from the chinese markets is inevitable. The new cold war will literally save cinema.
Where the does this shit come from? Skeletons are not banned in that country. The Zhang's even released a movie last year that had skeletons in it.
Hahaha no. Not after 2020.
It already does. Sadly for Hollywood we are divorcing China. This means they will have to try to make movies for the domestic audience again, and I don't think the Hollywood Jews have the chops for it any more. Bland superhero pap and "white man bad" aren't going over well here at home.
Based. Soon Wanda Group will replace Hollywood as the main entertainment exporter. It's time to move the entertainment hub from LA to Qingdao.
>no more skeleton kino
I won’t let it happen.
That's awesome I will benefit as a Chinese guy.
As a Chinese guy, I would like to see Hollywood films were the main character is Chinese and is banging American women. So it's easier for me to self-insert and enjoy.
what you need to realize is that Hollywood may seem like a business that produce an art-form its been delivering weapons grade propaganda for more than half a century.
That propaganda used to be america good live the american dream but with china in charge its now serves to demoralize and destroy western cultural archetypes.
If you look at films like nu star wars they are not an accident. They are carefully crafted to both make (launder) money and destroy your mind.
this will be a step up from catering to the american market
based corona saving cinema
Seems realistic. I mean, Chinese hegemony is already coming.
The tensions are constantly rising. The war is not that far away at this point. Let's hope that we don't nuke each other to the ground but if we don't then chinks will fold to every enemy like they've always done.
dubs and China develops a country wide fart fetish and you develop a super power that lets you smell them from anywhere on planet Earth.
>muh war muh collapse
There is no way you're not seeing it. Media has been ramping up anti chinise sentiment for years now and it's only getting more extreme now. China has gone into full nazi mode a while ago as well.
Chinese kino is gradually improving
Chinese vidya is experiencing a new boom
Chinese tech is flourishing
The future looks bright, my friends.
Do Chinese actually believe this?
not if corona-chan wipes us out first
>Media has been ramping up anti chinise sentiment
Fucking say what ? the media have been the ultimate chinese apologists and distracting us wars in bumfuckistan during the 00's while the NWO secretly moved their base to china and were able to grow their chinese corporate tenticles into every part of western media and everday life,
The new Chinese indie game boom is making me excited. I can't wait to see what kinos we'll see coming out of China this decade.