Why is hong kong suck a kino place ?

Why is hong kong suck a kino place ?

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Do you have the drawing with the Hong Kong buildings ?

Like it shows housing in Hong Kong

Hong Kong these days is shit. Now, Hong Kong in the 80s and early 90s, THAT'S where it was at. Kids these days don't even know how it feels to land on Kai Tak Airport.

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Oh my fucking god it looks incredible

Did you went there in the 90s ?

Nah lol I'm just a boomer impersonator/baitposter

But I kinda wish I were.

Hong Kong is such a kino place
A huge metropolis surrounded by huge mountain and divided by two
If you ever go to Hong Kong and ride the tram to the peak it's surreal to see
Shame we gave it away to the chinkos

No one asked

What's their fucking problem?


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True for pretty much any unsolicited post on this board, i.e. 99.8% of the total traffic. Thanks for your tweet.

All the "non built up area" is mountains covered by dense jungles or wasn't part of Hong Kong until recently

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Britain giving up Hong Kong is one of the most retarded decisions in recent history. Did they honestly think that the Chinese wouldn't try to crush the liberties guaranteed by the Hong Kong government after a few decades?
>Oh these Chinese seem so reasonable, I'm sure they're good people just like us!
What the fuck was the British government thinking?

Thatcher didn't give a shit about the chinks

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Also interested in this

I'll go to kong kong maybe three or four years from now

Is it comfy ?

I remember flying there in '97. It was crazy, felt like the plane's wings were mere meters away from hitting the apartment blocks

Old Hong Kong was a melting pot of the old world mixed with the neon glow of the modern. It had character like New York or the 70's did. I wish I could have visited both back in the 70's and 80's along with Tokyo.

I envy you. I hear that pre China takeover Hong Kong was incredible.

Just like most cities it's pretty to look from afar but absolute shit to live in. Unless you're in the more remote areas like Lantau Island or the southern bay area of the Island where it's mostly rich people live.

They had no choice. The 127 year lease was finished. Things have since went to shit.

It was a promise made 100 years ago.
lrn 2 history

Yes. I lived there for two months last winter, will post some pics

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Whoops, this was meant for

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Fuck, it makes me want to go there right now

>there is a strange exotic beautiful world out there that you will never see

The whole city is just architects one-upping each other

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Did you liked living there ?

Curious about what a westerner thinks of kong kong

>fuck I want to fly to this place so badly
>in a post Corona world
Face it, this will be our lives forever. We fucked up along the way of evolution

This was the view from my apartment

I loved it, but I'm glad I was only there for two months. I don't think I'd want to live there permanently, or during the summer. Really good food, the city is beautiful, and there's surprisingly good hiking too.

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Thank you so much for the pics bro
I love threads like these

The Central District is insanely nice, it's where all the rich people work.

No problem. I'm glad I got the chance to go there, it's tragic to think that in 2047 China will get full control over the HK and everything that makes it unique will be be gone forever.

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Did you took these yourself ? They're beautiful

Yeah shame about China getting control over Hong Kong

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Found this while hiking Tai Mo Shan, supposedly there's a People's Liberation Army facility up there for some reason

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Johnnie To is the undisputably greatest director when it comes to shooting on location in HK.

dude thats hilarious i was actually there just last year for a month. shit was dope as fuckkkkk. here's my pic of somehow the exact spot you were standing in. that area is so oddly peaceful i loved that walk

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That's all I got. It's funny that mainland China has never made a single worthwhile film while tiny Hong Kong has one of the highest concentrations of kino on the planet.

That's awesome, if I remember correctly it was on the way to the Peak

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Because it's a great mix of China and Europe. Literally one of my top 5 favourite cities. It has everything you want and need. Culture, great food, goat-tier sights. What else do you need? You can't tell me that sitting at the pier on the financial side of the city isn't the most chill thing ever

You could think it's real

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not sure judging from my pic log i went from lkf up all those escalators walked around a bit then started making my way down to the outdoor zoo park area!

i took a cab to the peak a few days before that. best experience ever, started talking to the cabbie about hong kong and china and he went off! "you see the cops? fuck these cops i do not respect them! these are corrupt cops for the chinese these are not the hong kong cops i knew!" went from the peak to one of the trails for a solid 4 hours

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Thanks for the trip user

>It's funny that mainland China has never made a single worthwhile film while tiny Hong Kong has one of the highest concentrations of kino on the planet.

They never produced something on their own, all they are good at is copying others. Maybe we'll see some Honk Kong kino knockoffs in 20 years

It's not any more. Hong Kong is a dying city. Chongqing, however, is cyberpunk irl.


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