The Last Kingdom

>New Season just released and no thread.

Arselings, the lot of you.

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why can't they just fix his hair and the costumes

I can’t believe you faggots haven’t made Aethelfled webms yet.

Destiny is all

Because this show is made on a shoestring budget.

I really like this kind of protagonist even more of an alpha than is descendant, Richard Sharpe.
Also a reminder that Odda the Elder did not money thing wrong.

was that a body double?

*Not one thing
Goddamn autocorrect



She didn't swim so good

I do like how he's so thick headed to figure out how to get around the "curse" but once he did he didn't hesitate.

Uhtred has this weird ability to be scarily competent and then an absolute idiot the next.

I honestly can't think of any other way to break the curse and im too smooth brained to even think of those two. Poisoning??

So does Cornwell give every one of his protagonists an Irish sidekick?

I'm so happy we have some diversity in the show now. Excited to see the thriving cosmopolitan society of Batternburg in season five.

what the fuck did they do? haven't watched yet

Jack Aubry had one too, so it's not just Cornwell.

One of the villains is a guy who sailed back with a bunch of mercenaries and there's one black guy and a few middle easterners. They're only in part of one episode.


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The Mercians were looking really Rohan this season. Things are coming full circle.


Once upon a time, every army on the planet worth a shit had an Irish Brigade.

finan is based.

Attached: the last kingdom finan and sihtric.webm (640x800, 2.81M)

You know, I was kinda worried about how things would go without Alfred but Edward has had a pretty decent arc so far this season.

>they charge him one at a time
I sense the first guy didn't listen carefully enough.

Some did those that were worth absolute shit.

Edward the Elder was also very based, being the first proper King of England.
Alfred didn't quite manage it.


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Honestly i am amazed at how Uthred never told Alfred to suck it and rejected his call. Without him Wessex would have fallen ages ago. He has had all the cards for ages now yet he takes it every single time they tell him "we down owe you shit and won´t help you get Bebemburg back".
He could have even defected to the Vikings to get it back. Sure, they don´t like him but at the very least they do reckon his strenght and if it helps them they would take him back.

Yes lad.

So pleased hes going to hump that ginger strumpett.

Nah, she's all for Osbert. He's catapulted himself himself to based status this season.

It's well established that Uthred takes honor very seriously and is also kind of dumb.

why did they make her so unlikable this season? She was best girl and all of a sudden she's a bitch. I know historically she got to be the Lady, but should have just given it to her without cucking Uthred.

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Do you even realize how well-odd Uhtred is on the show? He’s an established aeldorman with land, competent soldiers, and workers. Not only would he be throwing that away if he went back to the Danes, but he’d also be fighting against his close friends.

Getting bummed on your wedding night would do that.

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Well off*

I actually laughed out loud when I saw that. Netflix couldn't help themselves, I was expecting a full storyline of the black guys being in a homosexual relationship. But it was ok after that, there were probably some behind the scenes talks.

Does Uthred continue to be a Mary Sue in this season?

Netflix took over fully in terms of funding the show in season 3, though that was fully white.