> footage of Hart's fatal fall exists on tape; this was confirmed in a column written by former WWF announcer Kevin Kelly in May 2013.[1] According to Kelly, the tape sits in the WWE Archive in Stamford, CT, with instructions "never to destroy, view or duplicate". Footage from the 1999 match where Darren "Droz" Drozdov got paralyzed accidentally is apparently in the archive with the same instructions.
footage of Hart's fatal fall exists on tape; this was confirmed in a column written by former WWF announcer Kevin...
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Just like the tape of me losing my virginity
Kind of sucks that no one from the general public will ever see it.
Why would they destroy matter that is relevant to (if not past, possibly future) legal proceedings? It’s not your hard drive from 2012, it’s a large corporation
Vince is as shrewd a businessman as they come and you're retarded if you don't think he's gonna do everything in his power to protect himself.
>tfw no uncut footage of diving inside MS Estonia with hundreds of bodies floating around
Man drowning seems like the worst. Aside from burning to death I guess.
What am I looking at
I’m not sure but it’s definitely not a hole cut into the sunken ms Estonia
The Owen Hart footage has leaked. It exists somewhere on the web but WWE has done a pretty damn good job of scrubbing as much of it off as possible.
Looks like a hole cut into a hull of a ship for recovery operations
It's like the tape from The Ring.
>tfw the directors cut of Event Horizon was lost forever because they put it in a fucking salt mine which flooded
Why the FUCK
imagine being so young that you didnt see it live on air. you zoomer faggots need to grow up
Wrestling is fake bro he didn't really die
anyone with half a brain saw the clip when it was available on limewire.
>he doesn't know about the salt mines
I actually did watch Over the Edge live when it happened. He fell while a video package was being shown. You can easily find what all viewers saw at the time, online.
Just like the tape of that college slut who was fucking chads for $. and the elusive tape of her also fucking some old suggadaddy
fuck leafs, and fuck the hart foundation
>the tape sits in the WWE Archive in Stamford, CT
Brothers.....I'm putting together a team
why not destroy the tape? this is some don't eat the apple bible shit
t. zoomer
It's been a while since our last job, bout time for another I suppose
Anybody know what was up with the Benoit wikipedia thing? Shit is creepy as fuck
I don't know what you're talking about, but I watched a video about Benoit and the comments were literally full of people saying it was a conspiracy. That he was murdered along with his wife and kid and it's all being covered up.
Basically, after the murders but before the corpses were discovered, somebody edited his wikipedia page to state that his wife had died. Now, people claim it was just a coincidence, but it's still rather fucked up
A ship where almost 900 people drown, I assume when they cut it open the bodies all just started to float out
Oh I remember that, I thought you meant it was still being edited to say he was innocent or something.
>That video where the guy dives with the wrong tanks and he's just stuck at the bottom of the ocean or sea or whatever looking at his watch to see how much time he has left then when it starts to get really low it's all muffled screaming
wasnt the IP from Stamford CT
I'm not sure why the information says he didn't die because he did. It was in the Blue Hole in the Red Sea.
>stupid guinea hack vince russo puts you in a meme costume because he cant book like a sane person
>you die like a bitch
life sucks
the Droz match was on TV you fucking idiot
just your everyday sycho sid...dude was a monster