What's his best work

what's his best work

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Sucking Weinstein’s greasy cock

how many pounds did he lose?

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probably the whore daughter

Everything pre-weed.


his worst creation is his daughter

Clerks.everything else sucked.

Heart Attack (2018)

Too bad the fat guy survived.

Damn, look at those pants,

Is he eating a block of cheese? WTF?

welcome to america

I personally like MallRats the most, but his best is probably Clerks

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jncos are kino

How did someone who was 350+ still manage to find such oversized clothing?

I once weighed 360 lbs but could still squeeze into my size 44 pants and 2X shirts, just had a gut that would hang over my belt. Now down to 280.

>chasing amy
>mall rats
>actual Ebola of the dick
>everything else

I rewatched Clerks 2 and that stupid Lotr scene made me nearly sperg out. I don't care that much for LOTR, but you could clearly tell Kevin Smith was giving himself ass pats the entire time when writing that down

>chasing amy
I havent seen tusk yet but my brother really liked it, so it might be good, but man the rest of his movies are shit, I regret going to see the premiere of jay and silent bob reboot, the lack of laughter during the movie was pretty sad

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Clerks by far.
I watched Chasing Amy tonight though, that was decent too.

His Daughter.

lol NJ Devils suck

He’s slimmed down

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Portal and Half Life

the tweet about his dick getting owned by his wife's pussy/brown/taint


Is he floating?

Unironically Mallrats, it’s legitimately his only decent film.