How high was his IQ?

How high was his IQ?

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at least 70

High enough that no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges

he killed his victims

Extremely low (around 130) but he was able to stretch his thought process over time

he didnt kill anyone

No he didn’t

High enough that he has literal precognition.

not very
which is to be expected from a brain tumor

Name one killer with 100+ IQ. Every killer is a brainlet, user.
>inb4 muh Ted Bundy
He was just lucky and a manipulative weasel.

Mediocre. Never said anything even remotely insightful, considers "appreciating life" some miraculous epiphany and thinks people aren't supposed to make mistakes. He's an average American, dumb as fuck


>muh mathematics
Literally a rule-based game like Connect 4. Unabomber was perhaps the dumbest brainlet of them all.

how so? he put traps on his victims


His manifesto is pretty reasonable.

His victims made all the choices leading up to that point in their life that resulted in them finding themselves in that situation. Ask yourself. Why did they choose to put themselves in danger?

Jigsaw gave them a choice, live or die. If they die, that’s their fault and they will poop themselves when they die and he’s gonna have to clean that up. He wanted them to live, nobody wants to clean up that much shit. It’s fucking ridiculous to assume he would want to clean up all that blood and nasty poop and pee. It’s be all mixed together in a big bloody poop pile. Gross. He just gave them a choice.

He still had a high IQ

Ed Kemper

>The victim of this trap was Mark Wilson. He was trapped completely naked in a pitch-dark room, only lightened by a small candle. Furthermore, Mark had a flammable substance smeared on his body as well as a slow-acting poison coursing through his bloodstream. The only antidote was hidden inside a heavy safe before him. In order to open it, Mark had to find the combination among hundreds of numbers written all over the walls. Due to the darkness, he was forced to take the candle and walk to the walls to be able to see the numbers, while the entire floor of the room was covered in glass shards.

Why didn't he just choose to live Yas Forums?

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If he let his eyes adjust he would have been fine. He chose death and made a big poopy mess in jigsaws house which is really rude

Ah yes, everyone knows that math pales in comparison to truly enlightened pursuits like shitposting on a Cambodian pottery forum. Only brainlet here is you.

>one of the best and most elaborate trap in the series
>lasts like 30 seconds while boring traps get over 5 minutes of screen-time

you mean only brainlets or people who WANT to get caught actually get caught
there are tons of murderers out there

I used this defense when I shoot at my highschool, I told the police that the students chose to be there that day and to be in the path of the bullets, I hardly could be blame of anything but arriving late to class. They had to let me go

It's really strange how bulletproof this guy's MO is. Different universities put together a think tank to try and put together a hypothetical case against this guy, some of the best attorneys in the US and the world, I'm talking professors from Harvard, Georgetown, Duke, former ICJ lawyers the whole nine yards.
They couldn't do it, tried for 18 months to get a 'prosecution' going, but every 'case' was dismissed after defense's opening statement.
He's untouchable.

Around 140 so kind of low but high enough to where he could manipulate his surroundings quite well

Just don't die

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Reverse bear trap says hello

What about the officers he killed when they were trying to arrest him? He never gave them a chance to prove how much they valued their lives, no elaborate trap or consequence, just straight death.

They could have chosen not to be cops, everybody knows police officers have a comparatively high chance of being killed on the job.

People that kill cops aren’t tried for murder?

It's clear that the legal intricacies of Jigsaw's crimes are totally lost on you if you think those are at all comparable.
My father is a prosecutor with 30 years experience, one of the best in the US, and when I asked him to try and build a case against Jigsaw he told me it was impossible and quit the law entirely.