This was shit

this was shit

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I watched this on shrooms and it was fantastic


I'm going to drop some acid later and the week and trying to find some solid stuff to watch. This seems like a good start.

Shapeshifters was my favorite.

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Beyond the Aquilla Rift and the Russian vampire one were the old good episodes

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>He didn't like Kino Blue

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Is this a John Henry animé?

>protagonist is black so its bad

>It was THE shit

The episode with the farmers going full Starcraft was pretty neat, but my favorite was with the crew who discovers the original Dracula underground.

The whole thing was pretty cool.

No love for lucky 13?


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>A fucking pool tile

Blindside was the best, but Zima Blue was pretty good.

I liked the one where the spider aliens create a fake world for the marooned astronaut.

I don't get it

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It was neat, but the narration wasn't necessary. There's plenty of visual cues regarding the protagonist's link to her ship.

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fish ghosts yo

some of the visuals where pretty cool but the overall writing was atrocious

>my taste is shit

Fish ghosts become real. Imgine the other salesman explaining to the police what happend.

U mad?

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>You can see the alien through the bottle

The younger guy died of dehydration during the night, pleb. That's just him tripping balls as he dies

What is this show about? Is it just a bunch of random short stories similar to Black Mirror?

It reminded me of ff spirits within

Think of it more like Heavy Metal, or Liquid Television.

Thats the risk you take when you create an anthology like this.

The Spider one is more close to the FF Spirits within in terms of animation.

>Liquid Television
That's what I thought of too

I think there were like 3 good ones. This wasn't one of them.

Yeah but I mean with the whole spirits floating around going nuts

>cats hold 3 robots hostage

It’s about chasing dreams. The surest sign of a pleb is they don’t like fish night and like zima blue.

my fucking god being a prehistoric human must had been a nightmare...