People literally drinking their own sweat

>people literally drinking their own sweat

yeah... that will definitely break box office records!

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>we're going to have to wait until the 2060s to have another shot at a good Dune movie
Fucking unreal

Dune has always been a hard sell to mainstream audiences. Not sure why they think this will work after the Lynch version failed so hard. I want it to be good (it probably will be at least decent), but I don't expect it to make the kind of money they're hoping for. I'll be legit surprised if it breaks even.

who cares? Timothee, King of Tiktok is the main character, I'm gonna see it

I don't watch capeshit and whoever seriously claims that Dune isn't capeshit is a capeshitter in denial.

Box office?

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will woke be over by then?

As long as colleges exist, probably not. That's where kids get MK Ultra'd with that woke shit.

>the only solution is to become anti-education!

>modern college

Pick one, faggot

>i get all my real education from memes

it's star wars for adults, not capeshit

what if I excrete fluids other than sweat (including flatulence) while wearing the still suit? has this dilemma been explored in any literature?

the book describes that all liquid, including shit and piss, is extracted by the suits.

>>people literally drinking their own sweat
And piss. Don't forget piss. And shit water. And that nasty moisture that forms on the inside of your N95 mask.


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>If I keep pretending to be retarded I win

anti-intellectualism is a malignant tumor on western civilization m8.

I was okay with Zendaya playing Chani because I assumed they were going to make the fremen shitskins.


I know this is tough to you to understand, but “anti-intellectualism” is bitter Marxist professors refusing to teach history and literature and economics because they’re evil. And math and science because they’re racist. Anti-intellectualism is not “fucking colleges are a tumor on society”, it’s gender studies.

And yes, you are absolutely right. It is destroying western civilization

the only way you would think this is if you never have stepped foot in uni and get a daily dose of outrage from alt right faggots on youtube bitching about muh sjws

What is an intellectual? Should they be worshiped? Why? Can one only become an intellectual via govt. institution? If yes, why do you think this? And why would you think a govt. institution is only inherently honest via this intellectual awakening?

I just read this book recently and heard it was getting a film. Holy shit is this gonna flop. Lemme just list a couple of things
>totally weird and lolsorandumb justification for certain things
>Space Muslims are good guys, really! (totally will get those right wingers onside, guys!)
>Knife Fights are just autistic and less cool lightsaber fights
>The Emperor is just a Palpatine rip-off
>shitty message about MAD and dudeweedlmao
Hard pass. The film worked as a broken piece of film but another one by a hack? Nope.

Not only sweat.
Stillsuits also change shit and piss into water.
Even moisture is fucking precious there.

Imagine unironically thinking university value gender studies above all of the hard sciences that actually pay their bills and give them prestige. You're delusional.

You're right user. Someone who spends decades researching and understanding a topic has as much wisdom about it as your gut.

Not him but you have to admit that the humanities are beyond saving at this point

Based on what? Twitter sjws?

And their own piss.

fucking based /leftypol/ shielding us from Yas Forums

>none of it is seeping out into rl
Imaging being on a television and film board and unironically claiming this

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>Imaging being on a television and film board and unironically claiming this

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>Fremen literally have never bathed in their entire lives
imagine the smell...

>I have no argument
>better post a neckbeard

>why yes, i do remember the evergreen university lgbt death squad
>haha no ofc they didn't get any of those ideas from the courses they took.. that's just hyperbole!
You're so full of shit m8

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