Your very own cheese pizza

Your very own cheese pizza.

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You mean...

Did they...

I'm Dunston now

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Why specify "cheese"?

Yikes. They knew what they meant.

Because that's the type of pizza user.

from the first movie retard. kevin got buttmad because he was too picky to eat pizza that wasnt cheese

Isn't that...

Because it's a reference to pedophilia?

because it's the New York style pizza

Aren't all pizzas cheese pizza?

this actually was a coded message to the satanist groups that run hollywood with the CIA and the globalist elite. Michael Jackson was a known pedophile and Macaulay Culkin was good freinds with Michael Jackson, so it means they were sending a message

>arent all pizzas cheese pizza?!?!

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This but unironically

It means there are no "toppings" on the PIZZA.
Only sauce and cheese. "A cheese pizza" if you will. Savvy?

No it isn't

no, it was a cheese, sauce and dough pizza
also known as a regular / plain pizza

Thats a cheese pizza.
t. Pizzaiolo

why would you specify cheese, but not sauce?

Cheese is the topping.

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so is sauce, unless you put it under the crush like a weirdo

No user, the topping goes on top. What aren’t you getting about this?

Do you also have a problem with cheese burgers? What about chili dogs? This is a part of language you just gotta learn to accept.

Thats the way they taught me in Naples back in 1976.

im trying to understand your broken logic.

you only count the top-most layer of topping as a topping?

No you are not

You have a basic pizza: dough, sauce, cheese. You order a cheese pizza; this has additional cheese ON TOP OF the regular cheese.

This isn't rocket surgery.

so you think kevin ordered an extra cheese pie? doenst seem like it in the film

Oops, pawned.

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who cares, come back when you get your phd in pizza

Language is contextual you autistic fucks. Everyone knows what a cheese pizza is, that's all that matters.

for the record are we still talking about child porn or did i misunderstood?