>white people bad
White people bad
Except the pagans literally did nothing wrong.
>men bad
>women good
why are jews like this?
>black people go where they're not welcome and defile traditions
the retard didn't care about the fact that his girlfirends parents died, this is disrespectful to the idea of a family, the message is pro-traditional
what are some films about savage tribals and the negative aspects of black ghettos? you know things that are a lot more common than whatever this movie was portraying.
>blood eagle a fella for literally no reason
why white people do this?
>literally no reason
Except he was lying to them and spying on them like a NIGGER. Harsh punishment but hey you're on their turf
The guy who got blood eagled was the british fella who freaked his shit at the ättestupa
Him and his gf just wanted to leave after that
oh wait it was the indian guy that got blood eagled now that I think about it
I don't know then. Maybe they were worried he was going to rat them out. That or they needed the right sacrifices
yeah my bad
Fuck this stupid mutt and the movie she’s in I’m sick of it getting shilled on here
(And that's a good thing)
Most hamfisted attempt at demonizing paganism's history. Reminder blood eagle has no substantial evidence and likely was a mistranslated interpretation.
>my bf is kinda meh and doesn't really care that much about me
>burn him alive, instead of taking any other Chad-like dude
It's a scary movie you faggot not some New York Times article
Would you drink it?
This. He was an asshole for sure but she also used her grief as a crutch and made everyone else uncomfortable. She could have dated pretty much anyone else
>Indian pagan rituals are perverted for movie purposes in Indy 2
haha this is good, classic hollywood!
>Swedish pagan rituals are perverted for movie purposes in Midsommar
very based
t. indian
Probably not, vag is disgusting. I wish I were gay.
>i'm only capable of seeing things through the lens of race
I recently watched this movie and I must say that I liked hereditary a lot more.
Fucking kek
>no reason
errm excuse me they were all brought there to be sacrificed so they could purge all the evil from their commune, I think getting rid of the evil is pretty good reason to do a sacrifice
It's only ''appeal'' was due to:
>Big budget
>Saturated colours
The rest was just the same-old regurgitated melodrama with an anti-white message added.
kek'd and saved
The one guy that brought them there was implied to still have a crush on her, so that's my guess
He deserved his horror movie death for being a shit to Dani, especially in her time of need, and for also being a PEDO. Wtf. Hello? Plus, in the directors cut he was enjoying watching what he thought was a real child sacrifice. Oh yeah, and he tried to make himself the victim of forgetting his gf’s (of 4 years) bday. What a loser.
BYE CHRISTIAN. NEXT. (still sucks Dani ended up Stockholm syndromed into a far right cult, but gf got hers with that Mayqueen crown and against her full of shit “support system” at least)
>the negative aspects of black ghettos
there's like a shit load of them, you kidding?