This board is going mainstream

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Other urls found in this thread:

So NEETs do exist lmao. You guys are really a bunch of fucking loosers?

It already is mainstream. This board is a Hollywood hotspot. Like studio 51 in the 80s

I'm not going to be able to wear my wojak shirts anymore after this, fuck normies

I guess we become normies now because being an incel neet is the new trend

Who wants to start a business and have weekly backyard cookouts with me and my wife and kids?

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this website has been mainstream ever since mid 2015 when those faggot youtubers started making those "Top 10 Yas Forums Mysteries" and "Top 10 Yas Forums Prank" videos. every redditnigger just had to come here after that. look at the state of Yas Forums, half the threads have reddit filenames and the board is so fast you can make a thread and it will be at the bottom of the catalog 60 seconds later.

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Wait, people here are actually virgins? I thought we were all pretending, lmao

we know, netflix shills here 24x7

stop it

This board is already mainstream. When I first started using it 10+ years ago it had 10 posts an hour.

Where do we go now bros? The clubhouse has been exposed

The burger king bathroom by the airport in Oklahoma City. Passcode is KINO. Bring snacks and lube

You realise that film studios legit use this board to viral market right?

Oh.....Like you're doing now

If you're not already there then you're part of the problem

Yas Forums has been mainstream since at least Chanology. No one cares.

>he doesn't know about all the other clubhouses
you die here

We take over Joshua Connor Moon's circlejerk forum and post sneed 24/7

IMDB forums

How many posts over the years have been legit, and how many have been false flags posted by Hollywood interns in an attempt to collect material for documentaries just like this? Is there a way to even tell them apart?

You know its impossible to discern between viral advertising and anons just posting about recent movies right?

Why would you use Yas Forums for marketing anything, let alone movies? Everyone on this site knows how to torrent and noone would want the Yas Forums audience

The only mod that let's everyone know hes a mod works for a data collecting ad agency

take your meds, schizo

>tfw started posting here in early 2017 after watching Brendaniel's Tales from Yas Forums series
Yas Forums is fast, but Yas Forums is currently the slowest I've ever seen it.

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Is it better than shyboys?

Yas Forums has been in the mainstream in some form for most of its life fagtron
I can't understand how people would think this would make for an interesting documentary though.

You didn't see shit, newfag. Fuck off.

Is this on Prime UK yet?

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>he's not married with kids
oh no no no no user I've been on Yas Forums for fourteen years you didn't really fall for the Yas Forums memes did you?

Would be kino if sneed made it to the big screens

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Except when I'm a moderator and I can literally see the same IP addresses for the same threads?

Yas Forums has been mentioned in adam sandler movies. The fuck are you talking about "going"?


sounds pretty comfy honestly

Then expose that shit nigga
What else are you good for?

I couldn't have started using Yas Forums before 2018 and I could make a thread, go to work, come back and it's on page 4 if it got 0 posts. You're chatting some right shit. A thread with no posts now is gone in an hour.

does it contain sneed?

Crystal Cafe

why faggot

I'm worried for when people I know see it, will they think of me

>"he doesn't go out much or date.."
>"we must have a Nazi next door!"
Tell me again, who are the schizophrenics?

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theyre studying us bros

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>I suffer in the first world :(

remember that cuck movie from a year or so ago? this will be forgotten and over with just as fast


lad, the link in the op is the full thing

>these are the people who try to give others dating advice and go on about chad

number fifteen burger king foot lettuce

please go back im begging you

t. shill

It's ok when women pretend their made up first world problems are oppression, but bad when suicidal outcast men want a voice?

ya I'm a looser
I loose big thick ropes of COOM

Are these the people that call me a tranny?


Holy based

Yas Forums has been a fast board since bane cancer made it mainstream in 2014
Your times are all wrong
From 2007 to 2010 you could post a thread, get no replies and if someone didn't spam the board it would still be up for 4+ hours
2011 to 2013 it jumped to 2 hours
Then bane happened and it went to an hour and was just that until 2019
Now its 25 to 30 minutes

>enjoy tee doubleyou eff no gee eff

haha yeah i like larping too pretty funny stuff

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yeah I’m thinking this is epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment

Notice how the frequency of thread about a movie goes up around the release time? Or after a trailer comes out? Or after a controversy? All marketing

this, + 2016 election newfags

>It's ok when women pretend their made up first world problems are oppression
no, why?

>Notice how the frequency of thread about a movie goes up around the release time?
Ok but like wouldnt people also want to discuss new movies coming out?

>no wife, no kids
>never had a gf
>stays in his basement more than 13 hours per day
>doesn't get up not even to go to the bathroom
>never had a job
This man is invisible!

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This place has been mainstream since the Scientology days. We haven't been posting in a secret club house for years, a decade really

Does it cover the influence of pornography, anime, and feminist indoctrination? Or is it all "white male bad" bullshit that we've come to expect?

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Is it as kino as the Shy Boys doc?

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Yeah I meant 2008, I'm just retarded and can't use a keypad properly.

You mean the scientology, meme hotel, sarah palin, time magazine, fappening and countless other things didnt actually happen? Just the thing that happened a year before you got here is what caused it??

there are girls looking at this thread right now

>tfw no gf
>8y old meme

Bring back Abatap

Who are you quoting, women, blacks, gays or trannies?

90% of mainstream society right now is women bitching about male behavior. Either pay attention or shut the fuck up

you really didn't know neets were a thing or are you trolling? that's like saying it's weird that homeless people exist or something. yep, some people will have a fucked up life and it will be always like this... lol

Yas Forums has been compromised for years

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