Why weren't these characters as controversial as Captain Marvel or Rey Skywalker? They're all basically "mary sues" too

Why weren't these characters as controversial as Captain Marvel or Rey Skywalker? They're all basically "mary sues" too.

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Because they're hot.

Because they aren’t presented as being “badass women”

They are just presented as “hot badasses”

They did their thing without it being a statement on gender competence. You could literally replace them with a guy and nobody would know or care. It was also a different time

What are you talking about? People hate Alice.

They have sex appeal which is the entire point of female action heroines. Otherwise they are pointless. Also they don't emasculate the male characters at every opportunity like most modern heroines

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Because they make peepee hard.
None of this has ever been about "good stories" lmfao.

SJW politics weren't associated with their casting.

>this is marketed to me
I enjoy it
>this is not marketed to me
I don't enjoy it

why weren't they ever considered as "powerful" and "the heroes we need today, and thats a good thing"?


because i want to have sex with them

Probably because no one other than fan boys watched those awful movies.

Each of them had extensive training either shown or heavily implied. Op is a faggot again.

Also this

>They have sex appeal which is the entire point of female action heroines. Otherwise they are pointless.
But all these women are totally oh so wrong about sexism in nerd culture, huh? Even as you literally confirm what they've been saying about how it only accepts women as sex objects.

Close it up, go home

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Every complaint about Alice was from people who said she was too much of a mary sue and it was detracting screentime that could have been used for mary suery from Jill or Claire instead

This comes to a head in 5 when Jill just flat out beats the fucking shit out of Alice in a way not even the Nemesis or the Tyrant could

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See Because they were only there as eye candy and to make peepees hard, and thus their presence was empty and shallow.

>blonde jill
Yikes, what were they thinking?

>Also they don't emasculate the male characters at every opportunity like most modern heroines
I once saw a BTS feature of Underworld where Scott Speedman introduces himself as "Hi, I'm Scott, I play Selene's girlfriend in the movie"

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Objectification is not sexism, there's is nothing wrong with being attracted to women and wanting sexy women in your movies. Xena is both sexy and a great character

they were thinking they wanted kino

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Also do keep in mind that iirc, most of these were released before most of you because hypersensitive reactionary misogynists.

Wesker gave her a makeover.

dont' the RE girls gets their asses kicked often? that scene with wesker he dominated mila and company, it wasn't even close

because it's movies that people here saw as a kid or weren't born yet, plus it's not very popular movies so not many haters for them

Okay? He's also a werewolf/vampire hybrid that's 10 times stronger than Selene, at minimum.

And there's nothing wrong with female characters not being specifically designed to make your peepee hard, so why are you such a whiny bitch about it?

RE fans hate Paul W.S. Anderson's overpowered original-character-donut-steel literal waifu who's the center of the universe and shows up all the established characters

Those women are likable in their movies and in real life. That’s the big difference.

>nobody saw them
Jolie's Croft movies made $400 million, Selene ones made $500 million, and Alice ones made $1.1 billion

Because they prove their competence by beating antagonists, not by constantly having bigger dick for no reason than other, more likable protagonists. They also have better explanations for their competence, with Lara's backstory implying that deep in her recklessness and adrenaline addiction is longing for her dead father.

Rey just is.

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Lara Croft is a well trained female Indiana Jones type character from inception
Selene is a vampire
I haven't watched those shitty RE movies

Also important to note that Rey and Carol are late additions to long running franchises and we have all the other protagonists to compare them to. Rey is the worst of the lot, Carol has the annoying emasculation scenes. Also they're sexless.

Male action heroes are *almost* always played by hot dudes too. Girls went apeshit for all of them, even though Tony is old and short

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Gamergate broke the minds of a generation of dumbasses, that's why.

Xena emasculates every soi boi for just existing.

They weren't controversial because they didn't have a rabid fanbase that was defending it. Everyone pretty much accepted it as dumb movies you can watch as guilty pleasures.

No one would call you out on being sexist for saying "man, those Resident Evil movies sure are fucking stupid".

>Also they're sexless
and sexist.
they exist to spite male fans

Alice got a lot of hate because of her bullshit character and her response to the movies. People died to bring her movie to life and that one woman got degloved
>Anderson pays a guy to play the RE games for him so he doesn't have to
>Anderson makes Milla his star, they date, marry, make babies
>Milla has a history of dating the people she works with so no surprise here
>Alice is a big mary sue and she got angry with hubby when he removed her powers
>Milla got mad at Capcom for not putting Alice in the game and claims the games ripped off the movies (laser room, Red Queen)
>RE movies completely ruined certain characters' personality (Jill) so that Alice would get more spotlight
But the movies brought in the money and now Capcom wants to recapture that "magic" with the Monster Hunter movie