Why did Roy save Deckard?
Why did Roy save Deckard?
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Roy knew he was about to die and didn’t want to be alone during his final moments.
It's literally the point of the movie. Batty achieved humanity in his short life that allowed him to respect the life of somebody he HAD reasons to kill, opposite to the """human""" Deckard killing replicants for money.
That's why the film is hugely superior if the Deckard=replicant bit is downplayed as an extra and kept ambiguous
>dude what if robots had feelings lmao
also someone to recount his final moments
He wanted to experience mercy.
Deckard spat in his face right before he fell, proving that he was a warrior and not just a soulless hunter of replicants. Roy saved him out of respect.
If you listen very closely, under the sound of thunder you can hear him say "ah! Kinship!" as he grabs Deckard.
You can read that a number of ways. Either a) now that Deckard has experienced the fear Batty lives with he now considers them kindred spirits, and chooses to save him to show that he is human after all, or b) that he realises from the absurd amount of punishment Deckard survives at his hands that Deckard is also a replicant, and he doesn't want to kill a fellow slave.
Or both.
He wanted to live on in Deckard's memory of his mercy
>i see the glitter of the tannzaepfle beams very much like rain in the wind
what does he mean by that?
Something something "more human than human", or "recognizing the value of life", etc.
So he'd have a legacy. Deckard would remember him, everyone else was dead.
Whole point of the "tears in rain" monologue.
Yeah Scott is a fucking brainlet for retroactively trying to push the Deckard is a replicant shit.
I don't understand how people don't like this film. They say it's long and boring but it's not. It's really too short if anything
>things women can't understand
It's called being "grand seigneur", a gentleman.
Blade runner was never a basedboy movie zoom zoom.
Because he finally appreciated how delicate life was just as his was running out.
He wanted someone to remember him. Being remembered means he is dead, but not gone. Saving Deckard with no explanation means he will think about him until he dies.
dunno, its such a shit line. ridley scott should have cut it.
Replicants aren’t robots, they’re genetically-engineered humans who operate at the apex of their abilities.
This movie isn't for dumb people. That's why.
why did the chicken cross the road?
This is especially clear when he says ‘ah to live in fear, what an experience’ or whatever
Because he wasn't like Deckard. He was trying to send a message to the man sent to kill him, the man who dismissed replicants above all else.
If he could show this man his very soul, even if it be artificial, maybe he could bring about positive change for his kind.
>Replicants aren’t robots, they’re genetically-engineered humans who operate at the apex of their abilities.
This, any interpretation otherwise is SHIT
Wrong and smoothbrained
>dude what if soijak posters had feelings
Yeah right.
>He thinks replicants are robots
It's okay, but if you've seen/read a lot of noir and hardboiled fiction it feels very fake. Like Star Wars and cowboys/samurai and Firefly and the whole space cowboy thing. A mix of genre that doesn't feel quite natural.
But BR feels almost natural. It's a good blend. You can tell it's a blend, but it's not offensive like Firefly/Star Wars.
If you watch the theatrical cut theres a voice over exposition dump from deckard spelling it out.
Batty realized then that "he wasn't a killer"
Batty was pushed to kill due to way he was born, but ultimately, he had no real pleasure from hurting Deckard.
Same. It oozes atmosphere and soul, the direction creates such a realistic and interesting world and that soundtrack might be the greatest thing I've ever heard.
I also wish it was longer. It would've been nice if Scott borrowed more from the book, like the Mood Organ which I thought was a very interesting concept.
He realized the horror
>replicants aren't robots
he was going to torture him some more be died before he could continue
He was a good friend.
He was a real human being and a real hero, unlike Deckard, he was superior even in his final moments
No. It doesn't spell it out. Deckard wonders and tries to come up with an explanation, but it's ultimately left for the viewers to wonder and decide. Just like Deckard.
Yeah it would have been better if Deckard quipped qome one-liner shit like "do androids go to Hell when they die?" to which Roy smiles and then Deckards pulls a gun out of his pocket and shoots him in the face, then collects his strengh and pulls himself on the roof, looks down, "good riddance motherfucker".
back to plebbit fucking monkey
I forgot that most of it was improvised
Very based
>what if Jews had feelings
so there brothers
>the world hurt me so I must project myself into an edgelord
Nah, that's a childish and juvenile saturday morning tier dumbass ending to an otherwise sublime and intelligent dynamic. Kill yourself.
I know all these words but that sentence/name doesn't make any sense to me...
>grand seigneur
A big guy.
you're speaking nonsense, kid
Why is it edgy to say he saw the glitter of c-beams off Tannhäuser Gate?
"Can suspension of disbelief go to such lengths?"
The beginning and end are great but the rest is just waffle. how about something more grounded? nerds like it because it makes the world and the lore seem bigger. We got the whole of soldier thanks to rutger hauer improvising one shit line
That song's cringe but Tyler's based: youtube.com
what if deckard said sneed
It came out of nowhere. No build-up. No stakes. No substance behind those words. It seemed meaningless to say any of it, maybe if we had seen or been a part of any of it, maybe not in a full blown flashback but anything would've made more sense. Otherwise it's just fucking nothing. I sincerely doubt that was the point. You could argue that is was and that's why it's meaningful and appropriate but I seriously think that's a weak and lame excuse.
Sorry that you're retarded, amigo.
You do realize that Roy Batty was the hero of the story, right?
>Sorry that you're retarded, amigo.
>It seemed meaningless to say any of it, maybe if we had seen or been a part of any of it, maybe not in a full blown flashback but anything would've made more sense
Wait, are you saying this short-lived replicant is recounting a life that no regular human possibly has any understanding of? Gee I wonder whether that was intentional
piss off, kike
What a waste of perfectly good dubs.
>It came out of nowhere. No build-up. No stakes.
He was recounting his life. Did you miss the 30 minutes of him trying to extend his life or did you fall asleep for that?
Try reading that post again.
you're speaking of something impossible, kid. not even the wildest imagination would think that is possible.
nigga u dumb?