what do japanese people think is western kino?
What do japanese people think is western kino?
Dark Syde Phil
then why aren't you asking japanese people?
how do u read that
This just says something like he bought too many movies at the $10 or less DVD section.
fuckin loved Stealth
Is that Torque?
hell yea it is
this guy picked a lot of good stuff
mecha kucha shite bokkuofu de sen en ika no DVD meccha kaishuu shichatta
aw shit this should be bukkuofu
i insulted the language of my ancestors, I'll have to commit sudoku
I'm friends with a middle-aged Japanese woman that like The Remains of the Day, British crime shows, and some of those Marvel or DC TV shows. I have another one that likes French movies. My half-Japanese friend likes Godard and Bergman, but she's very Western.
Every film I like is kino by default, every film I don't like is automatically reddit tier trash
Yas Forums in a nutshell
you don't have to cope with being r*ddit, user
>eight legged freaks
>the masku
Mushakusha not Mecha kucha
Learn Japanese.
shut up gook
my japanese boss who is obsessed with western culture tends to like anything that highlights quirky american culture
you will never be japanese davido
At least i'm not white
then why are you here nigger
To correct that guy's shitty Japanese
who cares about Japanese you're a dumb nigger and you don't belong here
>At least i'm not white
Disney shit
Obviously the dumbass guy who badly transliterated the OP text cared enough to try badly
Star Wars PT
Have you seen Torque? It's fucking glorious.
>dat Pepsi vs. Mountain Dew fight with "PUSH IT" by Static-X in the background
>ice cube being visibly uncomfortable being a biker the entire movie
>experimental motorcycle that breaks the sound barrier and shatters glass on cars it passes by
>Adam Scott being super-miscast
>cartoon network tier special effects
Getting high as fuck and watching this with my old roommate is one of the most entertaining WTF am I watching experiences I've ever had.
>Sir, the jet has connected to the internet.
>What is it doing?
>Uh... It's downloading music to listen to.
>What kind of music?
>...ALL OF IT.
>I'm friends with a middle-aged Japanese woman
There are two kinds of people on Earth: Those who think Eight-Legged Freaks is kino, and those who are wrong.
the japanese girls i follow on twitter sometimes post about disney shit
they are really stupid but at least they look good
Most Japanese girls and women love Harry Potter