Just finished watching Enemy At the Gates. Is there any other Ostfront kino I should watch?
Eastern Front Kino
what if kazakhstan said fuck you and stayed in the ussr by themselves to this day?
Cross of Iron
>eastern front
>OOOOH DE HUMANITY mud i am drowning in mud uuuuuh everything grey move forward uuuaaaah
>western and japanese front
>team dynamics, fun and enthusiastic, cool atmosphere, great and fresh scenarios
discount hollywood shit
It wouldn't have happened. The Soviets fed secessionism in the republics.
Come and See is mandatory eastern front kino
Kazakhs were nomads until Commies forced them to move to commie blocks.
>they fought for their country
>only old men are going to battle
The Ascent
That basically happened in Transnistria and Belarus.
A sad lack actually
Check out generation war it’s a fairly forgiving portrayal of your average Wehrmacht soldiers trying to make it in the East
But other than enemy at the gates, the old call of duty world at war from 2009 and some Russian federation propaganda movies there really isn’t enough Eastern front stuff
The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Russia would be slightly better off in its resource capacity and demographics but that would be all
Of the story of world war two were observed by completely detached aliens they’d see it as primarily a war between germany and Russia which all other theaters being a sideshow and then the USA sweeping in for the assist at the very end.
Even the killing blow of Berlin the Americans held back and let the ussr absolutely assrape germany
>generation war
The singer lady and the blasian jew should have been cut. Turned a potential 10/10 into a 6/10 at best.
what about the war in the Pacific?
At least the story of the jew guy shows that anti Semitic behavior wasn’t limited to “le ebil nazis” and that it was common even among the polish resistance and mainstream European groups
People like to forget that the nazi opinion on Jews was far from unique at the time
Unfortunately there are no kinos about WW1 Eastern Front since normalfags don’t care about it.
Pic related and The Dawns Here Are Quiet (the old one, I haven't seen the new remake) are both decent movies with minimal blatant propaganda.
The Ascent is a 10/10 movie, but it's more psychological and not really about boom-boom soldier stuff.
The Macedonian front was the kino front in that war.
Cross of Iron is good
Zaitsev was a liar
Was just about to say this, there’s really not enough good Eastern Front movies or shows out there. Hell, there aren’t even enough video games either, most of them are now outdated or lacking in quality. The Eastern front which was the biggest part of WW2 is now the most underrepresented.
Well, Germany making movies about it is a touchy subject and the Russians are doing 99% propaganda pieces. So yeah, chances of having good Eastern front movies are slim.
Apparently there was outrage in Poland over that whole thing.
Generation War was really good, the mandatory jew subplot drags on though
>noooo don’t tel the truth
Lol it was so bad all of my grandparents and great grandparents left POLAND in the 1920’s because of the anti-Jewish activities of the various warring civil factions
Unser mader unser fader
an entirely separate conflict
The eastern front still dwarfs the pacific war