It's all good bro

>it's all good bro

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why do americans talk like retards

A lot of obsession on the board this morning.

Out of the entire show this is the one scene i could never figure out, did all the rest of his platoon get wiped out or something? Was he lost? Was he actually good and just going for a dazed walk?

Scenes women will never understand

>this morning
it's late in the afternoon in the civilized world bro

>The civilized world

Head outside so the CCTV network can watch you get culturally enriched by Muhammad, bitch.

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Yeah keep making fun of the UK, even with a million cameras it's a much better place than your dirty shithole

how's that massgrave digging going billy

Just in shock from seeing a friend die probably.

>i-it's not a problem that my country is flooded with sandniggers and I have nowhere to escape haha y-you mad American I'm GLAD I have cameras watching every move of my day.

>Wakes up, turns on computer
>"I know I'll see what those mutts are up to yeah"
>"Fucking Americans how dare they not wipe their ass with their hands. Fucking cowards"

I wonder if there ever a single day that goes by where you people don’t think about the USA.

Rent free

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>that my country is flooded with sandniggers
>The most recent Census in 2017 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British.
>Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) 'groups' made up 6.8 per cent of the population; >black groups 3.4 per cent

Imagine being this retarded.

Death to America, you need it.

Absolutely obsessed AND seething. Exquisite cringe.

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here's how it happens in the book
>Later, as we sit in the mud eating more MREs, a dirt-covered Marine from Task Force Tarawa walks out from the field. He stops in front of us, looking vaguely shell-shocked.
>"How's it going, buddy?" Colbert asks.
>"They shot one of my Marines in the stomach out there." He gestures toward the field. "We fired back. Blew a donkey's head off. We didn't see nothing else."
>"Buddy, you need anything - food, water?" Colbert asks.
>"It's all good, bro." He wanders off.

>you're not white!!!!
t. d&c shills

You're delusional. You can't walk from the pub to your car without being knee deep in goatfuckers.

Maybe in London.

>The 2018 census

You do realize that 'refugees' have been flooding in nonstop for two years right?

Books in the mail currently, cant wait to get some more tidbits

>You do realize that 'refugees' have been flooding in nonstop for two years right?

kek no they haven't retard, do you have any idea about migration laws and stats in the uk?

last migration wave was 2015 btw, and almost nobody was allowed to migrate since then

Right but why do you have an obsession with the USA

Why do you care so much


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>ruining a GK thread with your bullshit
You're all fucking faggots

It's an American website that's full of Americans.


The problem with Scotland is its full of Scots.

>gets proven completely wrong
>"uuuhhh why u so obsessed with uhhh murica"

why are you so obsessed with race, it seems to be the first thing that comes to your mind when you talk to Europeans

Why would you drive after going to the pub?

It's real good. The show and book emphasize different things so they complement each other quite nicely.

I wasn’t proven wrong. Every day you think about the USA.

I asked why you care so much. Enlighten me

>all these (You)’s
Looks like ya hit a nerve user.

This is an American website, it's full of Americans, and this thread is about an American show about American soldiers why the fuck would I not be thinking of Americans when posting in it?

That aside, it's fun every single time because the first thing posted is always some HAHA MUHAMMAD bullshit even though the statistics clearly prove that you guys are completely delusional about the actual situation in Europe

Because one half of the country is Judaised and the other half negrified.

your country is overrun with systematic muslim rape gangs and the police refuse to do anything about it

don't you have crops to work?

Isn't that word for word how it goes in the show?

We could have had a comfy Generation Kill thread, but instead Americans had to swallow some bait.

Sorry I don't speak Spanish.

>memes are reality


If you don’t like shit then don’t go swimming in the sewer.

Go to krautchan or somewhere else that is eurocentric.

Why would you choose to be somewhere that you hate

it's weird how accepting euros are of muslims raping their kids

Not really. GK is good but We Were Soldiers is the ultimate woman filter while Das Boot 6 hour version is the onions boy filter.

>You do realize that 'refugees' have been flooding in nonstop for two years right?
>country is flooded with sandniggers

Where are they? Yas Forums keeps telling me the UK is overrun with them but all I ever see are native white people and the occasional Polish person.

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Thank you. So sick of these fucking race-obsessed incel faggots. Get a hobby or kill yourselves.


>ruining a generation kill thread with this bullshit
I hate every single one of you

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I never said I hate America, I love America. I just don't like most Americans. Unironically, I think the US are a great place. And you guys are very easy to trigger, as clearly proven in this thread. It's fun.

>Das Boot 6 hour version
Goddamn I want a copy.

I'm not obsessed with race, take that back. I'm obsessed with racists.

Great Britain was the shittiest country I have ever been to. And London is the shittiest city I have ever been to. Bongs are the worst. Paddies are fun. Windmills are polite if a little reserved.

Can't argue with that. I'm not lobbying for bongoloids here, don't get me wrong.

>look this up
>official synopsis in the gooogle side pane:
>Evan 'Scribe' Wright is a journalist for The Rolling Stones

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And the marines give him constant shit for it, it's hilarious.

guys cant we all just get along. we btfo the germans and japs together, cant we go back to that friendship? hell we'll even let australia come too, they can be funny.

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He wrote Beaver Hunt though

the magazine is called Rolling Stone. The Rolling Stones are a band.

yeah but he wrote for hustler before becoming a RS faggot

>We Were Soldiers is the ultimate woman filter
You mean the movie where a quarter of the screen time is devoted to the wives back home?
I like the movie but it falls apart the minute they deploy.

Nothing binds the Eurosphere together like war. We need another great war. I nominate NA, Europe and Russia against China and India.

No shit. I've never actually read it so I've never paid attention.

I watched das boot recently, I have a question, why did they add that interracial story scene? Was it to show how much of a COOMER the crewmembers were? Genuinely curious

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fuck china