Is there a film with more dread than this?
Is there a film with more dread than this?
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Threads maybe.
Spoorloos is really good though
As based as its misogyny is, its still viscerally cringe-inducing and grisly.
He never actually said he killed her
Yeah, just take this mystery drink from a total stranger who's implying to be the killer. What a genius.
I could never tell if the bad guy was supposed to deliberately look like a weirdo, or if this was just considered a normal look in 1980’s Netherlands
forgot the soijak fuck
i dread every von trier film because they're so pretentious and depressed 15-year-old level edgy.
Only dread in that movie was that it was really boring. People told me to watch it because "oh my god bro it's so fucked up" so I went in with high expectations and was seriously let down. Nothing "fucked up" happened.
he's french. the people he murdered are dutch.
>man who we watch progressively go insane over three years of searching for what happened to the love of his life acts irrationally because he will do anything to find out the truth or a tiny chance of finding her
Wow. Such bad writing
I didn't like the ending, but I couldn't tell you a better way to have ended it that I would prefer.
Spoilers, bitch.
>for me, it's the flodder family
Fuck off I'm not a pleb. I've seen most Kubrick's movies and loved every single one of them
he didn't. man's inability to survive without oxygen killed her.
So legally speaking... he was in the clear?
Based buurman.
she also never bothered to learn the punching technique that uma thurman's character uses in Kill Bill. her death really is her own fault, really.
>yfw he practices for months to refine his kidnapping technique, rehearsing every lie and timing every move
>ywn achieve this level of autism
the american remake of The Vanishing is so bad, i think there may actually be a scene similar to this. it's been so long since i've seen it, i can't really remember. i just remember the movie being total, absolute shit.
>Not pleb
Oh no no no
We're a Cimino board faggot, kubrick is reddit-tier
Ironic. Kubrick loved Spoorloos so much he tried so hype the people involved in the US.
I was surprised people only got the dread out of the movie, To me it's first and foremost criminal autism kino.
The Orphanage. The dread builds from the beginning whereas there are long stretches in the vanishing where nothing happens.
>it isn’t even New York...
What did it mean by this
Back then you didn't have to pretend an area filled with 50% pakis, 10% blacks and 10% slavs was really London.