ITT: movies that you enjoyed as a kid that you didn't realize was universally panned by professional critics
ITT: movies that you enjoyed as a kid that you didn't realize was universally panned by professional critics
What in the fuck? This movie is kino
This movie sucked and was the beginning of Carreys shit streak that never ended
3 amigos
Spy kids 1-3.
Also, Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman.
Pic related is fucking awesome, but it got blasted by angry boomer critics butthurt by the comedic tone
Men in black 2
i really liked it as a kid but it seems everyone hated it. there were maybe 5 other people in the cinema hall
Holy shit what? I this movie is fucking pure comedy kino
Kill all critics
I give the film a 99%.
It's one of my favorite movies and I had no idea it had a kind of meh reception.
If this came out now it would be at 80% on RT
>that scene where Adam Sandler has an emotional breakdown and you realize he's actually a good actor
>only 54%
what the fuck. jumanji is great
Freddy Got Fingered
>movies you didn't expect to be panned by critics but were
I didn't watch it as a kid, but the movie is 12 years old
I only just turned 18 when this came out and me and my friends thought it was great. it was creepy, had a cool premise and had nice twists and turns, I legit wondered if I had watched the same movie when I saw all the poor reviews
>wild wild west
this film aged like wine
I was also gonna say White Chicks.
Critics fucking hate kino it seems
Critics went through a phase in the 90s and 00s where they hated on literally all comedies. Comedies that most people would consider iconic today were almost all panned.
Fuck, i watched that movie like 150 times. I had it on dvd back then and I only had couple of other dvds. So I watched it every fucking day. And was always rewatching that scene with Steve Carell where he's goofing himself on live broadcast. Good innocent times.
The horrifying movie I've ever seen.
This one
>Universally panned
Would 52% be universally acclaimed you glue sniffing opossum fucker?
Ebert liked it
Norbit, although in my defence as a kid I didn't yet speak english, so I've only ever watched it dubbed in my language, and this is one of the few times dub was better. In the original they all have very annoying accents
it's a hyperbole, just like your exaggerated negativity
Genuinely solid film, with a unique subject
You can't just call it hyperbole to mask your retardation
Equilibrium has 40% critic score and 81% audience score
No that score is accurate, movie is fucking garbage
Ok but Equilibrium is just down right awful
misunderstood kino
Critics are trash.
Critics get shit wrong sometimes. The Mummy adaptation/reboot has heart and soul for days. Fraser as the lead is charismatic and charming. The story is both dark, suspenseful, joyous, exciting, and filled with wonder and spectacle.
God I miss adventure movies.
it seems like every family movie before 2000 was panned by critics
not very based of you, user
Is movie really that good? I see it in top 5 lists all the time.
Cavemen flying around in jets, whats not to like for a dumb kid
I didn't even remember Rachel was in this.
Really liked this one as a kid. Haven't seen it in ages. Ebert gave it a 3/4
>The big action scenes are cleverly staged and Eddie Murphy is back on his game again, with a high-energy performance and crisp dialogue.
I don't care what anyone says this is a fun caper flick
That would be my choice aswell
Didn't she get bigger tits at one point?
Jim Carrey inflated them.