To catch a predator

Whats the most kino moment? Why did they stop?

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Never have sex with children who don't use proper punctuation.

mite b kool

serious question - why do you guys like this show so much?

Alot of funny moments

cum on ur no fun

Probably because it's surreal and patently ridiculous and it also shows scummy retards get rekt.


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It's captivating to watch a person lose their future, to watch the realization creep across their faces that the rest of their lives will be forever be destroyed by their own decisions. And it all happens in a few seconds.

Remember that nigga who killed himself after being exposed as a faggot pedo? Good times.

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The worst is when they get a decoy who doesn't look remotely the same age as they claimed on the internet

the wigs are horrendous

>Americans can have a decade of their life taken from them for talking with an adult on the internet
No wonder every other country on the planet hates america.

The predators are some of the most socially awkward people too so there is some cringe factor as well.

I love watching police chases live because they are real and while TCaP is edited and they only show the good stuff you still get the sense it's real. You can't put a price on that.

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it's so ridiculously raw for something in the mid 00s, there's nothing like showing truly depraved and sick people on tv for kicks
personally I can't watch it, it's too messed up

I find it funny, but Charlie Brooker had a pretty good assessment of it. I mean you have sleazy producers picking out girls that look underage that would be enticing to paedos. It's a bit sick on all fronts.

>picking out girls that look underage that would be enticing to paedos
Haha imagine having that job, what a terrible life

>I mean you have sleazy producers picking out girls that look underage that would be enticing to paedos. It's a bit sick on all fronts.
I don't follow; It doesn't take a major league pedo to assess which actresses look young for their age and which don't. Charlie Brooker just seems desperate to say shit that seems enlightening.

>wot if entrapment was legal innit

Yeah, You just put out a casting call "looking for 18-20 year old actors and actresses who can play 13-15 old teen for hidden camera reality show"

Having the money to make it go away is the exception, of course. Look up Patrick Naughton and the successful bullshit his lawyers came up with.

>His line of defense was that he claimed he was persuaded to participate online in a ritualized sexual role-playing exercise, dealing with a mature woman acting as a girl.[14] His then-novel defense, became known as the fantasy defense for pedophiles.[2]

>Hey just so you know I'm bringing a gun with me and if I see Chris Hanson or a single fucking camera I'm shooting myself.

Why did nobody ever say this? I feel like it's a perfect trump card

How the hell do you get fooled by someone named "Decoy"?

Just be a horny retard

thanks i'll try this pickup line on tinder next time

patrician taste


>"That sounds scary but ok"
>Fast forward to sting
>Predator gets out and walks up the walkway
>Cops swarm him with guns drawn before he can even get his gun out
>Either he surrenders and is arrested on the spot or cops kill him

TCaP producers would've loved the guy to try and go out with guns blazing, they wouldn't be stupid enough to let the guy near the decoy or Hanson What, you thought the person on the AIM chat would go "woah buddy, you got us, we're perverted justice. Don't do anything crazy".

Plus, any pedo seriously looking to meet someone wouldn't dare scare of a possible target like that

2/10 midwit thinking. Take a lap retard.

How about
>Hey just so you know, I'm going to have you slowly approach any get in my car. You will then give me head and leave. If I see anybody else approaching the car under any circumstances I will kill myself and you. Period.

At what point will Chris and his merry men realize it's not worth the effort?

"And that "attractive young actress" who greets them by the door: make no mistake, she's hot. And at 18, she's US legal. Presumably someone at To Catch A Predator HQ sat down with a bunch of audition tapes and spooled through it, trying to find a sexy 18-year-old who could pass for 13. They'll have stared at girl after girl, umming and ahhing over their chest sizes, until they found just the right one. And like I say, she's hot. But if you fancy her, you're a paedophile." -Charlie Brooker
He does actually make a very solid point here.

That's probably enough to get a warrant to just go pick the guy up at work if you talk to the right judge.

Remember when people put effort into trolling?

The whole point is that the men do this willingly on their own accord without encouragement or coercion, if you read a lot of the chats the men are the ones that instigate the sexual talk and the desire to meet up, the decoy just goes along with it.
Thats what separates it from entrapment. I'm pretty sure past a certain point if you are shown you have absolutely no intention in coming and the decoy is basically begging you, using everything they can think of to convince you to show up that would do severe damage to their case at court.

"That sounds fun, what kind of car do you drive so I know it's you?... 2005 blue Ford Focus? See you on Thursday!"
>Guy pulls up
>Immediately swarmed by unmarked cop cars, guns drawn and pointed at him

The TCaP producers would L-O-V-E LOVE to arrest and have on camera being arrested someone that dangerous. Once again, any actual predator wouldn't scare off what looks to be a promising thing by doing that.

*Kills self*

It's that easy, folks