Injecting disinfectant

>Injecting disinfectant
> Nuking hurricanes.
>Using a Sharpie to control the weather.
> Alligator moats.
> Buying Greenland.
> Windmills cause cancer.
> vaccines cause autism

Will director making his biopic will be able to contain all thoughts of this stable genius?

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Nice Yas Forums thread bro.

Jesus Christ.

Yes this is thread about future movie.


He was being sarcastic!!! Media kikes just take his words out of context

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Is this real quote? Wtf?!!

Amerifat people should listen to their President and drink bleach.

>jews have such an extremely high average IQ they can keep USA as a superpower even if 75% of its population would be considered clinically retarded in Europe
Why are they so based and chosen by G-d bros?

>chosen by God
they are all inbred and suffer from genetic diseases

>Nuking hurricanes.
>Alligator moats.
>Buying Greenland.

All of these were literally jokes.

Can you faggots keep to your containment board just for once.

he says like it be

I wonder what a nuke would do to a hurricane

Some popsci shit on youtube had claimed it would likely not have that big of an effect or might make it slightly worse. But not really a trustworthy source.

It's the key to his popularity.
He speaks the language of the common man.

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>jews keep the USA a superpower
lmao no.

>Injecting disinfectant
You know this happens every time you get a Vaccination, right retard?
Oh wait,
>knowing anything

Wish we had a board for political discussion

You sound like you are seething.

Don’t forget the worst one
>television and film

And yet I'm not the one posting off-topic threads to Yas Forums just to seethe at Trump.
Funny how that works out, huh?

Vaccines are a

I don't think you know what a vaccine is.

Starring Idris Elba

damn. really makes me want to support open borders, reparations and child trannies.

You sound like you are actually LESS medically-literate than Trump.

Do you know what UV treatment is?

Holy fuck this quote is real.


Apparently you don't.

Yes, when you inject sunlight into your veins so it kills the virus right? Daddy Trump told me.

*pumps millions of dollars in Israel*

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>"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen," Trump said today.

I actually don't mind if Trump loses just so I can harvest Qoomers tears like the SJWs of 2016

As you can see, our exalted leader is setting a great example with his light therapy discovery. Just look at that gorgeous tan.

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>"I was asking a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. But it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters. Okay?" Trump said when asked to clarify.

>"Bernie-backstabbed us (again), bros! We better take out our bitter frustration by shitposting on Yas Forums! That will win them over to the side of Socialism! Just keep lying and saying Trump said to 'drink bleach' or whatever!"

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Not even a TrumpFag, but yeah, no way Joe Biden wins.

is he wrong though?

Pretty uncharacteristic of Trump to walk back his disinfectant statement. Now we just have a bunch of retards going "that's actually what you are supposed to do" being left out in the cold now that they are exposed as double retards.

what the FUCK did he mean by this