reminder that siding with jimbo/kimmy is a sign of being a normalfag, conducive to a herd-like mentality with no convictions on backbone that conforms to public opinion and is unable to divorce himself from protagonist=good fallacies
those of us who have matured, who are based and redpilled? we choose chuck and howard.
Reminder that siding with jimbo/kimmy is a sign of being a normalfag...
Oh my god, but why didn't Chuck immediately partner his scumbag, scamming brother after he got his law degree from a two-bit college? It was unfair and shows Chuck was a psychopath
Of course you would like chuck the cuck you faggot lmao
>his scumbag, scamming brother
>you're not a REAL lawyer
>you need to go to jail and REPENT
>you never meant much to ME
ever read of labelling theory? it's criminology. label someone a criminal long enough and low and behold, that's what he'll become
thing is, chuckfags are just as pretentious as the character and pretend to identify with le intellectual who likes classical music even though they're brainlets
read a book
Chuck was a dick. At the end of the day Jimmy was his brother, and he could at least help him try to work at a law firm, even if it wasn’t HHM. But even when he knew that jimmy passed the BAR, he still didn’t help him. Dick move.
this nigga seriously trying to flex criminology?
>chuck threads already infested with Jimmy sympathisers
what a sick joke!
all the flashbacks showed that despite having the law career, chuck was still jealous of jimmy for his way with people, making it extremely hard to believe that his motivations in shunning jimmy were pure.
he knew he would never have jimmy's charisma, so he didn't want jimmy to have the career. if he was just a little bit less bitter, he could've just told jimmy that it's too soon to hire him because of his past as an actual criminal
It's a literal shitpost, but knowing Jimmy shit through a sunroof tells you everything you need to know about him. People really defend a character that shit through a sun roof.
Chuck was a bitter asshole who didn't want Jimmy to succeed cause the law was the only thing Chuck had that he could hold over Jimmy's head. He saw Jimmy as a threat to his ego instead of a brother.
Chuck is a retard. Everyone should know the law is ALWAYS abused by people like Jimmy. He was in the wrong job, not Jimmy
>chuck was jealous
yeah, so what? he still made all the right choices, hiring a felon like jimbo who would 100% ruin your firm's reputation just like he did with davis&maine would be idiotic
jimmy is just a tumor, his impact on others has always been negative
Who was Chuck's rightful successor?
chuck is a fag but howard is based
>picking a side when the entire point of the show is to present moral ambiguity
If you don't empathize with every white male character you are a brainlet and should stick to watching sports.
Chuck didn't label Jimmy without any reasoning, he did so after decades of having to deal with Jimmy's chicanery. He held out for a long time (which cause his mental issues), but eventually came to terms with the fact that Jimmy will never change. Neither brother is really innocent in all this, it's just tragic all around with layers and different angles to it. Unironically bravo Vince.
I side with lalo and howard no one else.
Two chads learning the hard way not to get too comfy with the betas around them. Never trust a beta.
who here /cliffgang/?
Jimmy was drowning and chuck refused to throw him a life vest. Jimmy spent years turning his life around, you know how hard that is? All he needed was validation to keep him going forward, but when you’re only kin disregards that and still shits on you, anyone would relapse. Chuck wasn’t worried about his reputation, he just wanted power
This, but Howard and Nacho because Salamancas deserve the rope, no exceptions
is lalo a white male
>spent years turning his life around
except we dont know if he kept clean during the mailroom years, and he probably fucking didnt because it's slippin jimmy we're talking about
even before the whole NOT A REAL LAWYER thing jimbo was up to his old tricks, hiring the two skateboard dudes, bailing out cartel members, and the whole thing with the billboard. that's jimmy at his MOST honest
weak willed retards who dont see a lost cause for what it is are pathetic
Chuck knew that Jimmy and his sleazy ways would make him a terrible corrupt lawyer and that´s what he becomes also Chuck was craycray so take it with a grain of salt , i hated his character with a burning passion so the actor did a great job portraying the older snob holier than thou brotherfigure , no1 wants in his family.
It’s heavily implied he kept clean during the mailroom scenes but that’s the conversation of the character. Either people are lost causes or you believe in rehabilitation and second chances. Of course, majority of people don’t succeed in rehab, but there are few that do. So you can’t just throw out the whole philosophy of it, you’ll be damning the ones that can change.
why not