Meanwhile on female Yas Forums

Like, did you see that Kardashians yesterday? OMG OMG OMG. Let's discuss *THAT* scene.

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i wanna suck her toes girls

How many posts is this thread going to last until someone mentions bbc

Ngl ladies I want Kylie to fuck my brother and take his virginity

2 apparently

You already mentioned it

It's over for us, femcels

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Do americans really like those freakishly looking fake asses? Is it because just about everyone in that unholy land is now muttified with negro genes?

Hi guise…….Im new here. >_>;;

I was wondering if any of u knew how 2 register here……..I dont see any place where i can log in. Also, why when u post, your
post disappears from the list of posts? Why cant it just go directly to your post. Well anyway i wanted to show u guys some
funny pics…..



i hope u guys enjoy them….also, please welcome me to Yas Forums, i hope you are all friendly and treat me well.

First let me introduce myself……my fav animes are Naruto InuYasha and Bleach, and i like listening to music (my favorite bands
are Fallout Boy and Pink floyd, my favorite song is We Dont Need No Education by Pink Floyd). also, the power level is OVER
9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD madnes??? THIS IS


also, how cum (lol cum) you have to attach a pic? how ghey is that? :p here’s a funny pic i found the other day when i was
surfing the internet.

Cringe, stop posting you autist

No one talks like that. Your lack of social interaction is on flagrant display and you should feel embarrassed at your feeble, disconnected attempt at humor

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I'm not a lesbian but I'd totally kiss her boobs haha.

You're doing it wrong, your copy pasta is too short. The bigger the better.

fashioned by the gods for black dick

Boyfriend finally had me watching one of his super hero flicks last weekend. Revengers or some shit.
I didn't really get what it's about, as my bestie was telling me about the guy she was dating earlier this week and I couldn't really follow the plot. After like 3 hours it's finally over and my bf asked me if I liked the movie and I said it was great. And then he asked me if he can buy another funky pop from the movie and I was like no way we are saving up for a trip to India honey.
Why are guys so brain-dead lasses?

So, how many IG tabs have you open while 'watching' movies, girls? I'm doing about 50 right now.

Just go to and youll see what girl Yas Forums really is like

We don't talk like that.

I'd love to bake Warwick Davis a birthday cake. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of surprise merriment and candles under his chin, send that little friend jumping for joy.

As he sits in his chair, plump and contented and and almost chocking on strawberry jam, his jaw a fondant mess of icing detached from the rest of his cake, I stand over him and laugh joyously. He looks up at me in happiness and glee, his eyes searching, begging me for cake. He finds some. I raise my butterknife then slice down, splitting another slice like a doorstop and finally ending his eupeptic hunger.

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So cute, gosh I want a cute little boy to be his mommy.


What are some ball busting kino's?

the one where the chick steps on the dudes genitals with high heels and she accidentally punctures the skin and blood starts to rapidly pour out

haha imagine

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Hey queens, I saw a white guy with an asian slut today, absolutely disgusting, how can we stop them taking our men?


YAAAAS QUEEN this is everything

muh vagina

>You will never lick whipped cream off his abs

It hurts to live girls >.

Made for Asian DFC.

Actual female Yas Forums is talking excitedly about Tim/Tom/Ezra (because they’re beautiful and aesthetically pleasing gay sex is hot), laughing at simps and femitards getting all angsty because Brie Larson looks like shit and everyone hates the blackwashing trend, and actually talking about movies without anyone realising we’re female.

I marathoned my insta feed today, what did I think of it?


isn't it full of trannies and r9k stalkers?


I don't get it...

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Is that Kim Jung Un's sister???

Is that a superhero movie or something? XD

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>Shit that never happened: the post

Asian girls have the cutest and flattest chests, how can wh*te cows even try to compete?