Why don't we just let those harmless, refugee orcs in?

>Why don't we just let those harmless, refugee orcs in?

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Surely they'll be good for Gondor's diversity! Never mind the crime rates. They'll assimilate in 3 - 4 generations.

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You should have used a picture of Grima (((Wormtongue))).
Gandalf is a literal angel sent by the gods to save the white race.

How many years till lotr is considered an alt right movie and we're getting a shitty adaptation with lots of black people?

Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, George Soros?


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About minus-ten years.

Leftists have been bitching about it for a while now, and Amazon's taking care of the diversity part.

When was the amazon thing announced?

>orcs are based on barbarians
>europe was once a region of axe swinging lion cloth wearing pillagers and rapers
>black people somehow get personal with this
fucking kek, black people really think we think about them all the time

This is 90% liberal white people taking it upon themselves to get offended on black peoples' behalf

it's whitoid who is triggered because of this
people like these really showed us who are the real racists here

Apparently, the "elves of color" thing was a hoax.

I'll believe it when I (don't) see it

Well actually the Hobbit trilogy already took care of rewriting all of it. You had niggers and asian in the village crowd AND above all they made a literal fucking WHITE orc, lmao. And they doubled down on the mary sue shit with redhead Xena.

The Witcher already gave us niggelves, so they'll need to find something else to do for diversity points.

>they made a literal fucking WHITE orc
whats the problem with that faggot. I agree that the nigs and asians didnt belong in that fisher village but considering that some Orcs are corrupted Elves and Uruks are half men, its not far fetched that some were white
Pic related

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Lotr can never be remade. Based Tolkien estate has it protected and even stipulated to amazon that they may not create or portray any event that would change the canon of Peter Jackson’s films in any way. They use peter Jackson’s film specifically because they don’t want characters to look different than what Tolkien imagined them to be

You just know they mad ethat on purpose because of the criticism, your pic related was not like the main bad guy of the whole flick.

Btw the video games already started to put niggers in LOTR lore too.

It already is decaded ago. Go to stormfront and theres a whole forum dedicated to lotr

>orcs always depicted with thick cockney/or other low class bong accent
>"Whoa, it's an allegory to blacks!"

why do so many retards have an unability to understand that specieism is not racism

Do you mean that one nig captain of gondor in shadows of war? Wasnt he an adopted baby from the east and raised by gondorian parents?

Whoa dude are you implying that tigers are predisposed to mauling people and eating their limbs? Doesn't that sound kinda fascist huh? Are you a Nazi?

Species is fur deep ok?

>black brits don't exist
You never been to London?

To add to this, it's a fantasy. They aren't a different race of real human. They're a different species in a made up land with dragons and wizards too. This is like thinking that us being different to Chimps is racist.

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What is this s٥ycuck buttblasted about? Ongoing systemic prejudice against gnolls? The notion that no matter how you nurture orcs, their nature will can't be remedied?

>Basically low key saying niggers are bloodthirsty animals that are barely domesticated

Um, based?

When somebody will do something about Tolkien's fatshshaming? It's unacceptable in the current society.

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I thought Tolkien estate hated the Peter Jackson trilogy?

Black brits are either posh house niggers or have that weird really distinct Ali-G accent of their own

Its worth having to watch niggers if elveshits get mogged.
FUCK elves

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There weren't that many niggers in Tolkien's England. Or you think the trolls in the Hobbit are also black, retard?

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