What's some kino with this theme
What's some kino with this theme
you know most of the dinosaurs starved to death rather than got blown up by a meteor right
Because a worldwide depression isn't a thing to be concerned with?
yeah coz they couldn't afford any fucking food afterwards you idiot
They should have worked hard then and made something of themselves instead of being lazy freeloaders.
It's not a bad choice for what OP wanted, but Goddamn, that movie was reddit as fuck.
This, just work hard and give the meteor a firm handshake
>just wait till they make a vaccine bro
>zoomers perpetually triggered by boomers telling them to get their shit together
Never fucking ends, does it?
But how did they starve to death? I thought the invisible hand would create infinite wealth?
>i don't understand economics, i just parrot talking-points i heard that trigger me, regardless of context
I bet people get a real fucking kick out of your posts on r/chapotraphouse. No Republicunt is safe!
they couldn't afford time spent foraging because they spent all their time hiding from the meteor
because stupid dinosaurs told them they had to hide in caves to get away from the meteor instead of spending that time finding food you gaylord
Missing the cagie, wagie?
Dont spend your frustration on us
Bootlickers really can't stand being humoured a little
You realize the first thing that's going to disappear in a global depression is your Autismbux, right?
You'll get a notice in the mail about "Your final government payment" and then your ass is getting a job or in a homeless shelter.
lmao did a nigger on benefits fuck your wife or something?
>neetniggers crawling out of the woodwork to defend the quarantine
yeah, it really must be great seeing everybody else forced to live as shit a life as you've been
licking the boot of the meteor by not starving to death? got it
Should have just given the meteor that form handshake and you would have gotten that raise
But why the american medias aren't talking about americans begging for food? I thought only communists did that?
>i don't know anything other than regurgitating nonsensical memes
We get it, you don't want to get a job. But mommy & daddy can't pay for your tendies another 10 years.
that's the opposite of the neet position, wagies need to get out there and start making me money
shut the fuck up and go outside to die you cuck, i need money
>shutdown the entire country
>people can't get food
What a shock. This is the capitalists' fault!
>wagies need to get out there and start making me money
NEET's need actual humans to go out and work so they can have actual tax-money tossed to them as charity.
>But why the american medias aren't talking about
Wow, the anti-American retard is a lip-smacking ESL nobody. Who would have guessed?
>dude just let the invisible hand vaccine people lmao
No seriously, tell what is your problem, why are you so angry?
You gave your boss a firm handshake and he still won't raise you over minimal wage?
>Bbut in communist europa they die from starvation now, r-right guys?
that's what i said but i was more realistic about who the loser is in this scenario
>shut down the entire Europa
>people still get their food
How is that possible?????
Why are wagies so angry about firm handshakes?
Wagies ate not angry, they make a fun of you.
Having an angry meltdown isn't exactly making fun of someone
>dude just eat all the ressources the invisible hand will recreate them infinitely lmao
>who the loser is in this scenario
The fat incel that literally scams money off the government to fund his existence while contributing literally nothing to society in return except internet shitposts and an eventual suicide in their mid-30's?
hey there
wagie boy
working for the jew
so endlessly
You just want to see a meltdown to prove your point.
>when your NEET lifestyle leaves you too brain-damaged to even post coherently on the Internet, so you degenerate into nonsensical non-sequiturs that mean literally nothing to anyone except yourself
What a sad existence.
I'm not even sure all that frustration is going to leave you time to kill yourself, or if you're going to die from an aneurysm first
nah the people who fuel the gentleman of leisure's lifestyle
>while contributing literally nothing to society
if anything corona has proved that 90% of the population is fucking worthless lol
no need to post selfies bro we already knew you wore a diaper
What point?
This is cope beyond anything I've ever seen
Not being in the cage really messes the wagie in the head
yikes. is this comparing a little pussy boomer remover disease with a fucking asteroid hitting the earth? I guess you have to lie your ass off when you support shitty ideas like communism. fucking losers
>This is cope beyond anything I've ever seen
What does he have to cope with?
He's a functioning member of society AND he can post coherently?
You on the other hand can do neither.
>stop posting facts lol
he's sitting at home with the rest of us lol, what are you talking about functioning
Explain to me what he is contributing to society posting angry ramblings on Yas Forums on a monday because he got triggered by a firm handshake joke?
>nah the people who fuel the gentleman of leisure's lifestyle
You literally only exist because of our lives, NEET. A simple "thank you" would be nice.
Better not get too proud or our politicians might start rethinking where they send money. I mean they're going to have to with the onset of the global depression. Are you ready for the Homeless Shelter?
>Explain to me what he is contributing to society
The job he has?
The tax money he generates which you scam out of the government to fund your piss-bottle lifestyle?
All that anger can't be good for your heart, you need to stay healthy or Mr. Goldberg will have to hire a paki for half your salary in your place
Why are you so convinced that I don't work?
Why are you so triggered by jokes about slave attitudes?
>fucking wagies YOUR THE LOSER NOT ME
Damn you really let yourself go with that quarantine
>Why are you so convinced that I don't work?
>entire thread filled with salty self-admitted NEET retards
Gee I don't know, faggot.