could January Jones pull it off?
Power Girl
too old
she could pull my pants off if you catch my drift
she can
tits too small
she can pull me off if you catch my drift
Old hags acting like teenage girls is my fetish.
She could pull me by my mushroom tip if you catch my drift
Any girl with tits could do it. The captain marvel cunt could do it thats literally the only important point of the character. Capeshit has the depth of a 3rd grade play.
Jesus Christ human females just keep getting manlier by the day. I genuinely thought that was Moot's face.
I knew a mommy irl that was just like her. she was batshit insane and a nympho. she fucked and sucked one of my friends while her son was in the the same band as him. she also has this really weird oedipus thing going on with her son
mmmmwwwaaaah *pop*
mmmmmwwwwah *pop*
in this times will be some flatboad wonder like gal ,margot, zoe .. alicia vikander etc lol :P
nigga this is a man
big enough ? lol
power mama :D
Way too short. Power Girl needs to be tall and muscular.
>tfw a black woman has a bigger bulge than you
muscular like this?
Why does she look like a geeky boy?
She looks like she'd murder you when you sleep after sex
This is my unrealized fetish
fucking YIKES
Oh Jesus. That's really sexy but too much woman for me.
she won the genetic lottery
based on what?
if they cast her someday ..there will be racebending definitelly ..with covered tits :P
I think the harshest thing you could realistically say about JJ is she looks a *bit* androgynous in the first picture.
Literally room temperature IQ.
not really, that's literally a man's face there, bud
No, but February Fiona can
Betty was the best character on Mad Men
January Jones has many fans here