Any kinos about true nature of women?

any kinos about true nature of women?

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I'm just here to pollinate your wife's prize-winning begonias, Marty

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Only Fans the documentary

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to be fair, marty already cheated on maggie once before and she forgave him, which doesn't sound at all like something a typical woman would do

lmao that nigga deserved it tho. But fuck women anyways

>I fucked Rust.

Actual kino

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Bring this show back NOW

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Reminder that men cheat even more often than women do
As usual, normalfags are the true problem

Revenge is women's virtue.

>literally about parasocial relationships like Twitch and OnlyFans
>then finding out they have those same relationships with hundreds of thousands of other people

Marty basically asked for it, what a retard

Yeah men cheat because it's in their nature to spread their seed, women cheat as a means of subterfuge and revenge, to sow discord and cause unrest
Men are true neutral, women are chaotic evil, you literally cannot dispute this

>girlfriend tried this stunt on me once
>backfired on her when I didn't give a damn
>you fucked my friend huh?
>well it seems like everyone is a winner here except you because my buddy got to bang you and I broke up with a whore

If a woman drinks red wine that's your sign to tell her to fuck off.

Normalfag mental gymnastics

What's a proper drink for women
Nothing except beating

Sicario in a way.

This explanation is autistic as fuck
Men and women cheat because they are bored
They know everything about eachother
They raised their kids
The home, the sedan, the 9-5 job
It's the same shit for decades
They've fullfiled what society expected of them and found it lacking

No men and women who cheat do it because they have no concept of loyalty, nothing to do with age
Somebody doesn't magically becomes a cheater at 40, they were one all along

cheating is just a matter of context, if a 12/10 model offered to become your sex slave and fulfill your every fantasy you can bet that 9 out of every 10 men would take up that chance

This bitch made me diamond whenever she was onscreen..what a fucking ass.

So now its a loyalty issue?
You were chating some anthropological shit a second ago

hello I hate women

A woman can not fuck a man. Unless she wears a strap-on.

A lot of unused microdicks in this thread

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>When *I* do it then its justified, its only when someone *else* does it that it becomes a problem.

Nah bro you just have autisim.

Maybe I would but I would divorce first because I know what I want then

What movie?

American beauty,

Somehow you managed to post one of the few examples of the woman being right. Marty cheated on her, swore up and down he wouldn't do it again, and then cheated on her again. He 100% deserves it.

real life

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