>character is reading a canned speech from note cards
>Throws them away and starts speaking from the heart
Character is reading a canned speech from note cards
>starts crying and spends thirteen minutes in agony trying in vain to pick the speech cards back up
>old man starts important speech
>takes glasses off and dabs handkerchief on forehead
>public speaking scene has a character stutter and make a mistake
>quickly fast forward
>Character takes over entire assembly to deal with personal issues and makes graduation, retirement or other assorted ceremony all about them
The worst in recent memory was that Crazy, Stupid, Love. I'd enjoyed the movie up until that point.
>Webster's dictionary defines-
I did that once. It was my excuse for not having written a speech and just getting off the stage after 15 seconds
>Throws them away and starts speaking from the heart
Are you really that naive? Its all rehearsed.
that's autistic
I do this every time I have to give a speech and it always gets a laugh.
that's the opposite of autistics
pretending to have a speech written and "deciding" to go off the cuff like a movie character is pretty autistic
though the deciding factor is how good the speech actually ended up
>character is reading a canned speech from note cards
>throws them away, looks directly at the camera, says my full name and address
>Just stares at the camera afterwards for a minute until the next scene
I'm tired of this happening in every kino I watch
>last card character reads from says "Throw away card and speak from your heart"
>character makes speech to a huge army that only the 30 people around him can hear
>entire army is now motivated
this always bothered me
its called projection, dummy. they can all hear him
or do you think only the first two rows can hear the play in a theatre? lmfao
well there's some architectural fuckery going on with theaters no?
>character is reading canned speech from notecards
>throws notecards in the air
>character looks directly at screen, says my full name, address, social security number, and tells me I should go to a doctor because I've had stomach cancer for two weeks.
Kek wish I was schizo desu
in newer fancy opera houses sure but not in shitty ones or older ones
2/10 I responded
i've heard this particular factoid about greek amphitheaters specifically.
I audibly laughed at this. Im gonna screenshot it, put it in my folders, forget about it and find it like 2 years later and I'll audibly laugh once more.
They weren't as great as some people say, but you should know that absolutely every theater (even from the 1500s) is built with acoustics in mind
Go out into the yard and yell and see if your neighbors can hear you from hundreds of feet away and inside their house. voices travel, dumb dumb
My highschool theatre didnt have shit for accoustics so that's wrong
>stealth scene
>two people get into an argument
>third person interrupts with "shhh someone's coming"
Sorry, I should have mentioned buildings with actual architects who know their shit, i.e. not Murrishart plywood buidlings
okay, so what you were saying originally about voice projection isn't true then?
So don't say every theatre if you don't mean every theatre, words have meaning in my country
>Benjamin Franklin attended a revival meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and was greatly impressed with Whitefield's ability to deliver a message to such a large group. Franklin had previously dismissed as exaggeration reports of Whitefield preaching to crowds of the order of tens of thousands in England. When listening to Whitefield preaching from the Philadelphia court house, Franklin walked away towards his shop in Market Street until he could no longer hear Whitefield distinctly—Whitefield could be heard over 500 feet. He then estimated his distance from Whitefield and calculated the area of a semicircle centred on Whitefield. Allowing two square feet per person he computed that Whitefield could be heard by over 30,000 people in the open air.
How does my highschool theatre not having shit for accoustics suddenly prevent voices from traveling? I don't follow your logic, you realize plays were performed and heard even in the back of that shit box, right? Are you retarded?
Everyone knows the main characteristic that makes a good general is a loud voice
>theater architects take acoustics into account
>oh so voices didn't travel?
Stop contradicting yourself to bait
Oration is an important skill for being a general, generally speaking yeah
It was almost a perfect modern comedy but the ending had more cheese than whats under my foreskin. The scene where the hot babysitter hands her nudes to the boy made me wonder if it had been accepted if it was gender switched
huh? i thought you were saying you couldn't hear shit in your highschool theater. how do you know it didn't have shit for acoustics then? are you an architect?
Are you having trouble following this conversation? I get the feeling you might be an idiot
>I get the feeling you might be an idiot
t. guy whose highschool acoustics were so bad that he could hear everything perfectly everywhere
For those of you who have seen The Square (if you haven’t, do it asap): this guy perfected the throwing away of cue cards
If I couldn't hear shit in there I'd have said that, I'm not a european retard that doesn't know English who uses the wrong words and forces people to guess what he means all the time like that guy who said
>all theatres are built with accoustics in mind
when that's obviously not true
But uh, it's not exactly difficult to see when a building isn't designed with accoustics in mind and is just a big fuckin' room
again, not following what you're even saying you might as well be talking to yourself. my advice is to read the conversation you're trying to participate in thoroughly before joining