Should age restrictions be enforced more strictly?

Should age restrictions be enforced more strictly?
Shows like Friends, HIMYM, Sex and the City cultivate wrong ideas about how the world works in young people's minds.

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When did you zoomers become soccer moms?

If people are influenced so easily by media, then it's all lost.
I watched himym and it had 0 impact in me.

Stop trying to make women have children, you fucking nazi.

This the sort of user who cries for censorship on women but cries when cun cun gets suppressed.

>blond hair
>black eyebrows

Nope. Let Darwinism play out. If you think a career is more important than creating offspring go wild and remove yourself from the gene pool.

Death is the ultimate equilizer and really the only thing any of us will leave behind is our children. Everything else will be forgotten in time but a genetic legacy can live on.

I too am truly alone

>cultivate wrong ideas

And who's going to get to dictate who has the "right ideas" exactly? You? The government? Yeah, that'll go well.

You can see her roots. Blondes like to shade in their eyebrows anyway, since having strong eyebrows is trendy.

What's the point of making children when the planet is veering towards environmental, economical and sociological disaster thanks to all the problems that will exponentially worsen due to climate change?
>Here, the product of my loins: I give thee the shitshow of the world, and a future of misery and hardship because my generation was too inconvenienced to do anything about it when we still had time to course correct. Enjoy, while I reap the final remnants of comfort that you will never get to experience at my age.

This flashes on the screen at the beginning of literally everything on network TV

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Darwinism no longer functions in our current modern society.
The weak and out of the norm can still produce offspring.

lmao and she's a writer so no one knows her

And that in turn will lead our society becoming more and more dysgenic until it collapses and natural law asserts itself once again.
Evolution wins in the end no matter what. Humans are bound to the laws of nature like everything else no matter how much we think of ourselves as exempt of those principles.

Incorrect. One's legacy lives on. It is only the truly pathetic that have to live through their children.

Achilles will be known as long as humanity exists. Your children will never tell the stories of their pathetic ancestors.

I'm almost certainly sure, she'd been watching sex and the city throughout her teens.

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Yes, it has happened with all previous great civilizations. All fall why? Produced weak men.

Ive said this many times, but any ideology that does not in some form advocate family and reproduction will die out in a generation. The abrahamic religions are the perfect example, they are designed to outlast the individual.
Most post-modern ideologies are all based around the needs of the individual. Its all very narcissist interpretations: Personal freedoms, personal rights, privlidges; none of it considers a higher order beyond vauge notions of contemporary moral justices that may not have even existed a decade prior.
They wont last.

her hairs obviously dyed but brown eyebrows blonde hair is pretty normal

If you dont have a kid then it doesnt matter to you at all then faggot.
Let those of us actually reproducing deal with the problem. Shut your lil shitbox, and go play more nintendo switch sweaty.

you said that? wow procreation is key to longevity and meaning. youre a fuckin genius.

old and busted

Ghengis khan fucked half of asia to the point they all look like him.
But sure youre arrow to the ankle story is real cool fag

And despite that there are still many faggots spouting antinatilism even itt

Cope. Ghengis is the ultimate winner of the human race because he coomed in so many women that today half the worlds population carries his dna. Immortalized through coom

There have always been people who never have children and there always will be people who never have children. Even if you were trying to get married and have kids there is literally no guarantee either of those, let alone both, work out.

Muh kids is nothing but a cope mechanism to all the lonely incels who think a family unit would miraculously not make them miserable. Protip: the moment your kids are eighteen and leave, you're right back where you started when the empty nest condition kicks in and suddenly your spouse realizes that you didn't really have that much common besides taking care of your kids. Why do you think modern divorce rates skyrocket at a certain age? Because there's no longer a social stigma or an economical reliance that forces you to remain married at age fifty to someone you don't care about anymore.

Meant for

Laughing at the consequences of leftshittism doesn't mean becoming a soccer mom. At least this time the consequence is a broken roastie, and not just another pandemic.

it's not people we are talking about. It's w*men. Their life choices are influenced by all kinds of crazy shit. From Instagram stories to escapist sitcoms.

>muh climate change
Time to kill yourself and improve the environment by removing another first world consumer.

Lol. I have 6 siblings and we all visit my parents every weekend. My sisters both live on the same street and is there all the time with their families. Don't be shit parents and promote a strong family bond and you will always have a family dumb ass

Yeah, you're right.
Pic related kinda makes sense. They must always self-insert in everything, god knows why.

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The topic of the thread is literally if age restrictions should be restricted more forcefully. It's amazing how many of you faggots have such a blind spot when it comes to this shit.

He must have had a terrible family experience and now is projecting onto everyone. My sisters are out of the house and call every single day to my parents. Even me, when I go away for a couple of days, it's usual to call everyday to check up on them.
Sunday family lunch is a must.
Feels good to have a great family.

>Everything else will be forgotten in time but a genetic legacy can live on.

A work of art or a scientific discovery or any memorable act can live on indefinitely. Your children can die at any point. I'm not saying you shouldn't have children, but you're an edgy retard, so hopefully you won't have any

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Left wingers