

>Born from the internet, the phrase "TFW NO GF" was originally used online to describe a lack of romantic companionship. Since then, it has evolved to symbolize a greater state of existence defined by isolation, rejection and alienation. The meme's protagonist, "WOJAK," has become the mascot to a vast online community consisting of self-described "hyper-anonymous twenty somethings" and "guys who slipped between the cracks." TFW NO GF asks: How has the zeitgeist come to bear down on a generation alienated by the 'real world'? Meet the lost boys who came of age on the internet- places like Yas Forums and Twitter, where they find camaraderie in despair.

Time to download, boyos!

Attached: iu.jpg (500x750, 39.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>whole movie is about some normalfag twitter attention whores

Attached: 1579956434362.png (844x698, 660.54K)

>Time to download, boyos!
How about i just wait till one of you guys tell me what i thought of it.

How big was Paul Towns part? I only care about what he has to say because he is a schizo that burned down his house and used his mental illness as an excuse so he didnt go to jail.

>came of age on the internet- places like Yas Forums and Twitter
So it's normie garbage that has nothing to do with Yas Forums but they use it because of appeal

In b4 madthad

Hey retard. This was never supposed to be Yas Forums the documentary. This is always about a group of young men who feel separated from the rest of society. So please shut up and stop spreading this disinfo about my doc ok?

searched rarbg cant find it

How about you stop shilling it on Yas Forums? Nobody here cares about twitter fags

>This was never supposed to be Yas Forums the documentary
Besides explicitly saying it revolves around people who supposedly grew up while posting on Yas Forums, but nonetheless you can see the whole thing is pozzed when it talks about "growing up on twitter", no one grew up on twitter, that isn't a thing

He didnt even mention Yas Forums. Lol retard

Youre a woman

file is too big

post your feet bitch

>it's about tfw no gf people
>actually just about a bunch of niche e-celebs who could probably get a gf and don't represent any internet subculture in particular
oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off

pre-2010 you could be "anonymous 20 something who slipped between the cracks" and not be a pathetic fucking virgin. what happened?

Based woman telling an enraged incel how it is

Anything based on post-2010 Yas Forums is normie garbage by default, yes.

stop shilling your shitty doc on Yas Forums

>not on the uk amazon
>wont work on us one when based in uk
oh well I cant watch it.

can we see your soles again? just to prove it's actually you

dating apps, social media, women's standards fucking skyrocketing, etc.
now those two things just go together, usually

You basically summed up what the "incel" problem is and no one seems to understand this.

>Tfw no gf people
It was just everyday retards complaining how they want a gf while posting bald cancer man edits to fish for replies telling them they're "gonna make it bro"

get me the magnet

basado y rojopastillado

>its not about me so it isnt about a subculture!

I don't associate nor identify as an incel, but a documentary literally about a handful of popular twitter users is not interesting at all

reminder that this interview is required viewing to understand what the doc is actually about (here's a hint: it's not an epic Yas Forums or incel doc like you want it to be)

I wanted to bash those two dumb faggots brothers brains in. They were so fucking lame. Also that gay ass music that plays as they talk felt like it was very forcefully trying create some profound moment but all the observations in this film are vanilla tier shit I can get on any fucking message board on the planet.

they kinda teased eggy a couple times but he wasn't really in the film which is disappointing. he probably would have given the best explanation of the more blackpill/depression/incel side of things

>"tee eff dubbleyoo" isntead of "that feel when"
who the fuck does this?

>it's not an epic Yas Forums or incel doc
Good. I don't want it to be that at all. I much rather them claim it was a twitter fad.

guys like Kantbot and Logos are so desperate to be seen as online intellectuals. They want to act like "cool" ironic shitposters but also be taken seriously. I'm sure this was a lovely ego-wank for them, Logo posted some shit about it "shifting the paradigm" or whatever.

enjoy fellas

Os this legit?

How I download the files with your codes?

>movie barely even touches upon Yas Forums
they didn't have to make a puff piece but they could've at least addressed its rise. a view other than the "DANGEROUS HACKER INCEL SITE" perspective could've been cool

Not clicking shady magnet links uploaded here. I'll wait until it's on rarbg, thanks.

>Yas Forums

Attached: 47.png (467x488, 593.16K)


What the fuck does Yas Forums even have to do with tfw no gf you retarded zoomer?

t. larping faggot

How big? Cant DL if its over 1.5 GB

so it's not even really a documentary about anything in particular, literally just pieced together interviews of... Twitter users?

Where do you think most of Yas Forumss userbase comes from retard? that isolation and loneliness is what often leads to online radicalization the two subjects go very much hand in hand


not even the more legit twitter users like eggwhite

yes but it's about tfw no gf zeitgeist and not about the radicalization of ugly incels on Yas Forums

Moreover the MSM has routinely tried to associate incels with a murderous subculture of school shooters, "neo-Nazis" and "misogynists".

I spent almost a decade no gf posting. Now I am part of a documentary lol

Is that fat jew nerd Kantbot as cringe in this as he is usually?

I'll send a mega link if someone cashapps me

Attached: Screenshot_20200427-022417.jpg (1080x1118, 226.02K)

based Viddy

Where's the 1080p one, ffs?

>but it's about tfw no gf zeitgeist
honestly it's hardly even about that it's mostly just literal who twitter faggots who barely seem to even go on Yas Forums.

>posting a screenshot from ptp

Unbased. Please delet

Can't torrent rn how can I watch? Archive anyone?


I was a virgin pre-2010 and I'm a virgin in 2020.
29 years old. Deal with it, normon