Scarlett Johansson had to do some parts of the Airport Battle alone since she was the only character with no CGI required from Team Iron Man
Scarlett Johansson had to do some parts of the Airport Battle alone since she was the only character with no CGI...
didnt she use laser stun baton
Better than Dune
hello red_dit!
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I consider this weak.
>acting is a hard jo-
or here one super power was that she never had to have her hair tied. and the women director even took that one away from her.
>movie where a guy turns into an incredible hulk
>"yeah but it's unrealistic for a girl to have hair"
i'd do it with her
too bad she chopped her tits off
>into the trash she goes
I mean that hair is still hot.
>it's unrealistic that this woman would wear her hair down in combat
>you're right, we'll remove her entirely as having a woman fight is unrealistic
what's this body type called?
Those fat bulges on her ass holy shit
He’s right you know
Taser batons are real and not even that hard to make
Thicc sellulite mommy
I was really surprised by the Netflix movie extraction. I really enjoyed it, then found out it was by Marvel shitters. Are they just doing those movies for a paycheck if what? Extraction had some very suspect CGI but wasn't bad at all. Marvel just looks like a bad cartoon.
what are you talking about?
It’s really disappointing seeing women you once thought were hot without clothes and realizing that they have a shit body
>running towards magical creatures, people on magical roids and robots
what was she going to do?
I think its more the illusion of hollywood. Like with henry Cavill when hes got a role he workout like crazy at the gym hours a day then when hes got months off he has a average bear body of a dad. Same with the women they go on these diets and fitness routines and look their best but irl their are not worth a second glance.
why does cellulite exist?
just more proof there is no god
She's about to start gaining teh BEEFCAKE mass, that's the fat starting to form on her butt/thighs
I guess Im getting old or something but I think she looks better in this pic, than she does a lot of times on screen
i have never watched a marvel movie and never will
feels good
Why do they shoot their scenes like it's made for tv?
Cavill and every other male actor fraud is on tren, test, anavar, secret hollywood steroids etc. he doesn't need to work out
la bestia gorda de las américas