Why has there never been a remake of To Kill a Mockingbird?

Why has there never been a remake of To Kill a Mockingbird?

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Would cause a shitstorm, make no money, and would be a shit movie

it was so popular in part because the telling of the story through Scout's POV played to the whitewashed view of racism in the south in the 60s.

people interpreted the story as being about how racism was the fault of only a few "white trash" bad apples. Atticus Finch appeared to be an uncompromised institutional moral authority. Harper Lee made it very clear that wasn't her intention in the sequel.

Who would play Scout in the supposed remake?

A crossdressing Gaten Matarazzo

lexi rabe

idris elba

a jewish boy

It would trigger blacks and the whites who make excuses for them

>drinking milk

Do Americans really.....

There was no progressive stack or intersectionality back then. Feminists run Hollywood now. The part where the lying redneck woman framing the poor innocent black sharecropper wouldn't sit well . #believeallwomen remember?

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How did Atticus resist lads?

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isnt the sequel basically
>"I was only pretending to be racist the whole time to teach you a lesson, Scout"

>Racism is bad
Wow, what a revolutionary idea. Totally needs a remake.

Because it's a shitty, boring story.

>a modern Hollywood movie being made today where a key element of the plot is a woman lying about being raped in order to send a man to jail
Not fucking likely.

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>the pale weirdo living in his parents' basement turns out to be a good guy
No way in hell it gets made.

Going by the standards of other modern adaptations they could just change that part and then change the rest of the story and the characters to make it fit, keep the same title, add some more prominent female characters, and cast Tessa Thompson or Zendaya as Atticus.

Bam, just deproblematiced your classic literature, bro.

To mock a killing bird

Modern public schools are fucking removing To Kill a Mockingbird from their reading-list for no other reason that this.

Is Go Set a Watchmen even a sequel though? I thought it was just a draft that got touched up and published.

dubs of truth

What about the extremely racist townsfolk? I figute hollywood would jack themselves off repeatedly over that

No, the reason it isn't being remade is it won't make money, not enough anyway, and at the heart of the book is a religious morale, something Hollywood is in extreme opposition against. Did a production at a regional theater in Los Angeles in the early 90's, I was cunningham (nothing special) though I understudied Atticus. I lived in my car outside the theater, though I don't think anyone noticed. It was a nice summer.

>tfw no qt tomboy daughter
Why even live?

How fucking old are you?

to coom, just coom. and weed

ahhhh mmmm cunny

Dunno but there was a sequel called Go Set a Watchman where they retcon Mockingbird and Tom got acquitted and Finch fights against the civil right movement because reasons. It basically takes a shit all over the original book.

It was basically a first draft of Mockingbird. Where the whole trial thing is told in flashback and the majority of the action takes place in the early 60's with the characters as adults.

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It's a garbage tier story they force you to read in highschool, it offers nothing remotely new or interesting or different or challenging or thought provoking.

Plus good lord the fucking shit storm if you tried to make a movie in modern times that basically amounts to a nigger getting falsely accused of rape.

It's a white people thing.