Movies that YOU want to see, but know it will never happen

Movies that YOU want to see, but know it will never happen...

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Who are those guys?

Holy fucking BASED

Those are the guys from "the worst twitch stream ever"

Who would you cast for the live action sneed movie? who directs?

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Who was in the wrong here?
>Pajamas guy is supposed to set the rules for his run by letting people know if they should be quiet or not.
>Birthday kid is providing fun to the stream by making funny comments and getting donations.

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Aaron Sorkin, starring Paul Dano as Sneed and Ryan Gosling as his opponent: Chuck

Pajamas Guy was in the wrong, he should have set the rules early on

Their fathers are in the wrong for them turning out this way.

Kek imagine being that poor guy. You’re a socially awkward mentally ill lad in your mid 20s, you’ve probably read tons of internet articles and been told by people about how to be more out going and improve your social skills, “the way to get better is to just put yourself out there and not care what anyone thinks man, that’s the only way to improve”. You attend an event with your own kind, socially awkward gamers, you should be able to fit in here, right? you confidently sit on the front couch, front row, with the speed runner and where the camera is and decide you’re going to strike up a commentary, maybe crack a few jokes, attempting to stretch your social skills, and you get utterly other worldly called out in front of a live audience and a stream when the speed runner says he’d prefer it if you’d be quiet.. then just sit there stunned, insulted, hurt... silent.. not saying a peep, suck into the couch, paralyzed by fear and anxiety, crippled by the fact that your harmless attempt of practicing your social skills back fired so badly.. and then you revert back to moms house, give up on trying, and accept your fate as a failure. It’s a tragic tale.

And then the moment I’d immortalized on YouTube, where it goes on to become viral with millions of views and gets reviewed by YouTubes biggest star pewdiepie

Birthday boy literally woke up 4 in the morning to be able to sit on that couch for the obscure runs with no crowd to commentate runs he knew nothing about just to promote himself.
Pajamas guy had a friend that was suppose to provide commentary but his flight got cancelled so it was first dibs on the couch.

I mean, the other guy next to birthday boy (and the one next to him off camera) was just waiting for the run to end so it could be their turn to run a Spyro race after it.
But both must have felt sorry for Birthday boy since they actually treated him with pity and let him commentate the race.

Moustache guy is a miserable cunt. Green hoodie guy is a weak submissive kid that knows nothing about standing up for himself. Kid should go lift heavy weights for a year every single day and he’ll be on the right track

Almost all speedrunners are like that, only the pros are able to talk while playing

Chibi is the saddest autist in all of speedrunning, which is saying a lot. This, being yelled at by his mom, cheating and getting caught, getting bullied by everyone else around. Dude has like negative social awareness and he's not even a good speedrunner

>more then 5 years since the incident
>chibi is allowed back on the couch
>not allowed to talk or wear a mic
>meanwhile caveman has been running games pretty much every event without incident
>now part of GDQ staff as the audio director
caveman is literally living chibsters autistic dream of becoming a famous speedrunner while our boii might not be allowed to even attend this SGDQ after the (latest) leaks.

Did they become tranny? I assume these are speedrunning gamers

what leaks?

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>gets catfish'd by some autists over at KF to post a video of him bending over nude thinking he is talking sexy to a girl
>decides to "one-up" the trolls after finding out
>posts the video on his own twitter thinking this is somekind of statement of how brave he is not letting them have any leverage over him
>entire thing backfires and he deletes it


So he is mentally ill, and you trolls are picking on him


Okay this is based

>Bale - Chosen undead
>Roonie - firekeeper
>Idris - Andre
>Irons - Siegmeyer
>Fiennes - Solaire
>Ineson - Lautrec
>Bean - Black Iron Tarkus
>Boobs - Boob lady
>Neson - Gwen

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is there even story in that ?

Awful casting, fucking 0/10

nah, I honestly feel bad for the guy

he's like chris-chan in the sense that he isn't self-aware enough to realize that certain actions have consequences, which is why those autists are drawn to him in the first place.
but unlike chris he is self-aware enough to realize the consequences, which is why he isn't entirely a lost cause.

instead of letting that incident define him he should have done what caveman did which is to ignore it and make a bot that autobans anyone that mentions any of the memes from the run

It’s impossible to make this into a movie. It’s so perfectly suited for the player in a video game. It I guess if I had to take a shot at it it would be a atmospheric slow paced movie about a knight walking from A to B the entire film, maybe horror elements involved, with little dialogue and brief encounters with characters from the game and sword fights throughout. What else do you do with it story character driven/thematic/story wise?

>minimal dialogue
>heavy on atmosphere and world building
>great visuals and real sets
>horror elements, disturbing encounters
>encounters with the iconic players, betrayal by some of them
>sens fortress set piece
>anor londo

It could be kino as if it was made by a true indie auteur that understands and appreciates the game