Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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For me it was bowling balls and gravity manipulator

With a body like that?
Jonah Hill

Blessed thread.

For me its slapping him in the face then tickling him

>not the missiles

For me it was beating the shit out of him then beating him some more then giving him false hope before beating him again


I used to love playing games like this
Are there any similar modern day ones?

No, because Flash is dead.

Am I like the only one that was nice to him? I played catch with him

>put grenade in the hand of dubya
>"holy shit! a WMD!"

I didn't even know you could be nice to him.

And because the democratization of content creation post-smartphone has diluted the concept of authorship. Even if Flash as a technology were still alive, the atmosphere already died.

>democratization of content creation

That's how you get money the quickest
It also makes you feel good

for me, it's elastic girl

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blessed thread, my good sir

i'll have to go with user's method of violence, hope and violence
i usually beat him unconscious then gave him some tickles and some music then came another unexpected beating

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This game got boring quick.

o fuck wat's the name of that game again?

Idris Elba

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My childhood :)

he even gives you money
Buddy deserves happiness

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I haven't thought of this game in years holy shit. What's it called again?

I'd nonstop tickle him until it became torture.

This board has sure gone to complete shit hasn't it.

grenades is the best

I always put Maddox then lobbed shit at him till he got stuck. The strong hose that makes them angry always amused me

Yeah, they're called "Apps" now.

cast him

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>played catch with him
The fuck? I swear I played this game and all my projectiles just pissed them off or knocked them over

How young we were then.

You gotta aim for the hand and throw lightly.

holy shit I had forgotten about this. I can't believe I wasted my time with it. She was looking kinda fresh in those clothes tho.

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe