Was it based?

No, I'm not letting a Wire thread die before I have a chance to say my peace.

I binge watched the whole show a few months ago and loved it.

What did I think of it and who was my favorite character?

Attached: lesterfreamon.png (1200x720, 1.39M)

Other urls found in this thread:


You loved it and your favorite character was omar little.


You thought it was good except for seasons 2 and 5 and your favorite character was Omar. On rewatching you will realize season 2 is kino and your favorite will be frank

mcnutty is the best character and the only people contrarianposting anything else are coping non-whites

I didn't particularly dislike season 2 or 5, just found 2 really boring. I loved 5, but felt like it was a tad rushed in certain areas- yet I feel that that's what the show was trying to convey. That Baltimore isn't going to have a story that gets tied up nicely, there's going to be loose ends, good and bad.

Frank was based through and through

Plebs dont realise the best character is Slim

A big point of the show was that there was no best character because it wasn't about any single individual. The only character that mattered was Baltimore itself and how the destructive cycle, the game, within Baltimore never changes no matter what.

McNutty was a fucking retard. Are you seriously, honestly going to say that you found nothing wrong with the narcissist who got more people killed than he saved?

Posting best version of main theme

Slim charles is a real g, same with Bodie

Nut is the sole reason the Wire can be a pain in the ass to get into. Who thought it was a good idea to dedicate a large portion of the scenes in the first season to a drunk faggot that you feel absolutely nothing for?

Slim kept it real

Is it the city that doesn't change or the political/legal system that doesn't change?

This show had the best outro theme of any show ever



just say you're not white
just come out and say you're not white, why do you think anybody gives a fuck about these lowIQ copes you're shitting out
there is no Wire without mcnutty, spin this fact any way you want while you try to pass off some literal fucking whos as best characters

I'm not white, why would I be white? Yeah buddy, no deep-seeded issues there to resolve.

I didn't even mention a favorite character, I just said that McNutty was a fuck up. That was one of the big points that the show keeps making. He's natural PO-leece, but that doesn't make him perfect.

Or were you just looking for some mary sue white boy for you to self-insert in some gay fan fiction? I doubt you even watched the show

Imagine being this insecure kek

also, I'm not the other user

are you just going to give up on trying to spin the best character nomination just like that? what happened monkeys?
go on, don't stop now
tell everyone here how the character who begins and ends the show isn't LITERALLY the best AND most important character, go on now!

>I'm not white
Stopped reading there




Attached: ep46_bubbles_corner_notitle.jpg (760x330, 89K)

Why are WASPs fundamentally unable to comprehend any artistic form?


Nothing like a Wire thread to get the racists chimping out

Bubbles was the best character

pragmeet did you just learn what a WASP is and can't wait to use the term in a real shitpost?
there is no Wire without McNutty, go ON and try to spin this FACT we're all waiting
see I know the real reason you're mad at him which is fucking around effortlessly as a whiteguy (very realistic portrayal btw, it's THAT easy for white dudes), but watching you pin literal fuckin whos above him on the character-tiers is just too amusing

Mcnutty was a fine character up until the last season. Last season sucks due to this.

I used it because it's true, a wasp has never created any worthwhile art and are fundamentally artistically bankrupt

motherfucker, shipping for side characters over the main cast does not make you an appreciator of the arts, you delusional lowIQ chimp
holy fuck LMAO@u moron

I know, equating main with best does mean you dont understand them though

Go back to Yas Forums Braden

It's a pretty good show but seasons 2 and 5 are irredeemable trash that I skip on rewatch. 2 adds nothing at all to the plot that can't be explained with a single line like "yeah we're getting a bulk package with some greek dudes now" while having some of the least likable or interesting characters on tv. 5's main focus is on a boring ass newspaper, nothing interesting happens, and the season ends with effectively nothing changed from 4. So I think skipping those 2 seasons is a much more cohesive and enjoyable experience that's less of a waste of time

>le badass gay bandito husbando

The theme just kept getting worse each season, you cannot refute this

The opening music? I don't know if it got worse every season, but the first one was the best.