is it worth watching?
Is it worth watching?
If you're an normal guy that likes words coming from a horse, then yeah
Only if you have a gunt
The first few episodes may seem generic, but by the end of the first season it really becomes something better. Well worth the time.
it's unique because it discusses dark subjects, though some might say it panders to people with depression
but it's a cartoon drama, it's not very funny and repeats the same unfunny jokes
but seriously no. Maybe if you are a depression porn zoomer.
normal words but no
Normal words, but a horse guy
It depends on what you like of course. The show opens like its going to be another generic episodic show, but it becomes increasingly focused on its bigger arc and stories as it progresses. It also becomes more heavy as it goes on.
The show is basically Bob Saget if he never got more work after full house deciding to write a book about his life in an attempt to become relevant again. Doing so forces him to really examine his life, and while it starts with shenanigans and some rough stuff, it really dives into what depression and addiction do to a person projected against a hollywood lifestyle.
There is no over arching plot, there is no singular element that gets you from the beginning to the end. Instead each season focuses on a different plot thread that pushes Bojack's arc forward. The show also uses its story to talk about our own evolving relationship with TV, with some clever deconstruction and subversion that isn't on the nose or doing it for the sake of doing it the way game of thrones did.
It's like normal words
but from a horse guy
yes its peak comfy
since we're in mega corona lockdown, assuming you don't have a private pool, yes you should watch it.
Its a great time sink
The cutaway that saved television
It was alright but personally I don't like the ending.
>assuming you don't have a private pool,
The quality goes downhill after season two. Its gradual at first, sneaky even. You'll probably still enjoy watching it for a while, not realising how bad its getting. Stuff gets dumber rapidly towards the end and the finale was a cop out because the creator wanted another 2 seasons
>haha repeating the same line from Family Guy
you need to go back
yes but keep in mind Diane is ALWAYS WRONG.
The writers try to self insert as her and write her in a way that makes you feel sorry for her but shes just wrong.
It was very well made by very talented people. But at the same time it was kind of pointless and empty. It doesn't teach you anything, it doesn't show you a way to improve. But great entertainment.
I disagree. They show you a thousand ways to improve. Most of them are rejected by the lead character, or he attempts them and backslides, but the point is to show all these possibilities and all these flaws with them. It doesn't mean you can't improve, we do see characters achieve happiness after all.
It's just a discussion about life and meaning. Discussions don't generally end, they don't generally have a 'winner' or an 'answer'. You generally walk away feeling like you went over every option but couldn't find the right answer, because we all expect there to be an answer and there's not. there are just things you can try and maybe they work for you for as long as you can make them work.
One FG gag was enough to ruin bojack forcedman forever. Seethe more
>by very talented people
go back to the family guy thread? I don't think there is one right now
I don't feel like it was ruined. Did you ever even watch it? Was it ruined for you? If so, I feel sorry for you.
i mean she fucks a dog
The binge episodes are incredibly kino.
the "comedy" episodes are not
i don't but my parents do and I gotta say it kicks ass
It was a Bojack reference.
it slowly kinda builds on you. It subverts typical character arcs by subverting the expectation of change or permanent or whole change. It's a realistic cartoon drama that also has a tongue-in-cheek dark humor every episode. It's not a show I'd recommend to anyone on here but I'd rec to normie friends especially quirky art girls.
It doesn’t matter what I think because so many people got disillusioned with the show thanks to the FG joke that Wojak Niggerman literally got cancelled
I bailed out in s2. No. It's self pity porn for mentally ill cosmopolitan millenials
I think it's shit, I wouldn't bother. Kind of subtly pushes beastiality. We can thank Seth Macfarlane for that trend.