Celebrity COVID Death Thread

Let's list all the celebrities who've died from COVID!

1. A guy from Fountains of Wayne

2. Some guy from NBC News

3. ????

4. My friend's friend's great grandma

Hmmmmmm ... for the greatest holocaust of our lifetime, not a lot of celebrities have died? But we know FOR SURE this pandemic isn't fake as fuck.

Did I miss out anybody? Feel free to correct me, you panicky little hypochondriacs.

Attached: Covvy Fridge Fridge.jpg (644x720, 168.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

es.spankbang.com/2yrsu/video/crazy big ass wow#


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I already got that one.

yeah but I can't read


John Conway

AKA the Game of Life guy

Created the surreal numbers, up arrow notation for massive numbers, published the atlas of finite groups and the Monstrous Moonshine conjecture.

Even after they're gone and will no longer plague people with their stupid shit you still want to talk about them

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I cant wait until people stop talking about this stupid fucking virus all the time

the internet is just corona that corona this

why would you look at celebrities when they are rich enough to not die

Robin Williams

The dad of that one hapa Facial Abuse girl.

Chris Farley

James from My 600lb Life. He was healthy otherwise.

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nelson mandela

“Lil’ Man” Richie Rodriguez
Wallace Thrasher
Art Bunk

that's because the real mortality rate of this virus is less than 1%. The confirmed cases are at the very most a 10th of all cases, and as few as a 1000th. This is especially true since it's been confirmed that a third to half of all people who get the virus are asymptomatic while infected. And even those who have symptoms overwhelmingly fall into the mild to moderate category, and are back to normal is a few days to no more than a week.

If anyone still thinks the response to the virus is actually about the virus you're delusional. This is about way, way more. Follow the money.

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why would celebrities dying be any sort of measurement of how fake it is or not? this is the dumbest shit I've heard on here today and that says a lot

328 million people in the United States
55 thousand+ have died with about 1 million infected (that were tested)

what do you expect? hundreds of celebrities to be dropping like flies?

it's hilarious how head, hands, and feet all stay the same size

he died of a special time-traveling variant of Covid-19 that infected his brain and convinced him to hang himself.

Why would celebrities get infected when they're safe and sound in those huge ass mansions? All they have to do is just not go outside.

Tends to happen.

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Dare I say that she has difficulty wiping properly?

>Some guy from NBC News

If the coronavirus is real how come I don’t know anyone with it?

>for the greatest holocaust of our lifetime, not a lot of celebrities have died? But we know FOR SURE this pandemic isn't fake as fuck
Midwit argument. Do you know anyone who has AIDS? Because that was a huge scare in the 80s and 90s. How about brain cancer?

who is this braphog goddess

Kevin Balthazar

If you're real how come I don't know who you are?

i just want an actual update on tom hanks.

no real posts on his IG since beginning of march.

I know someone with both - I’m replying to his post right now

es.spankbang.com/2yrsu/video/crazy big ass wow#
That's her.
She masturbates at about 2:00
Jerk it if you are brave enough.

Leftist Americans have to be the dumbest fucking wankers on earth

Elizabeth Warren's brother

Why does that happen to the skin? what's going on?