Hollywood accounting (also known as Hollywood bookkeeping) refers to the opaque or creative accounting methods used by...

Hollywood accounting (also known as Hollywood bookkeeping) refers to the opaque or creative accounting methods used by the film, video, and television industry to budget and record profits for film projects. Expenditures can be inflated to reduce or eliminate the reported profit of the project, thereby reducing the amount which the corporation must pay in taxes and royalties or other profit-sharing agreements, as these are based on the net profit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf

Why doesn't the IRS go after them,

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The same reason Apple and Starbucks get away with it. They're too big and too many people are dependent on them.

Manufacturing is overseas
Coffee beans are not from the US
Not a major employer, money is just funneled into a few privileged, jewish hands

if you had sex you'd be less resentful towards successful/smart people

Attached: Weak.png (646x580, 549.5K)

>black people are only 12 percent and have a disproportionate amount of media and government influence
>majority of the US populace is white
>1 percent of the population is jewish yet makes up half of the top 25 richest Americans with control over a majority of America's media
not adding up kike

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Replace the jewish flag with America then put a jewish tumor in the American head while placing a Middle East outline over the girl's head and then it'll be accurate.

>black peoples failures is their fault and their fault alone
>Jews being at the top is because they put down poor whites :(

this can be turned around on incels just as easily

>whites are overrepresented in things because they're smarter
>but jews are overrepresented cuz an evil conspiracy


seething mudshit

Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites

Literally the only defense lower IQ groups have against these studies is the same ones that blacks use against white IQ such as "they cheatin!"

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Learn what "per capita" means before wasting my time.

seethe harder Chaim.
And quit dodging taxes like ovens.

>muh sheer numbers
doesn't take cultural differences into account. There are a billion Africans but they matter less then Singapore. White (especially white americans) are culturally inferior to Jews. Whites have a culture of opioids, popeyes, marvel movies, suicide, mass shooting, porn, anime, etc.. Jews have a culture of success and education

lol cope you worm-grub

>IQ stats are a jewish conspiracy now

well that was quick

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Yeah. The Jews totally aren't behind the porn and entertainment industry. It's the whiteys doing that

Compared to whites, Jews have:
>Higher IQ
>Higher GDP per capita
>Higher percentage of professional degrees
>Higher percentage of STEM jobs per capita
>Higher life expectancy
>Higher high school & college graduation rate
>Lower rate of violent crime
>Lower rate of drug use, drinking, & smoking
>Lower rate of STD's
>Lower rate of broken homes/wedlock births
>Lower rate of unemployment
>Lower rate of welfare use
>Higher rate of self-made millionaires
what's the deal, are they just superior?

Attached: jew master race.jpg (652x350, 19.34K)

>first link begins with "This paper elaborates the hypothesis"
>we're smarter, I believe it!

Those industries wouldn't exist if whites didn't guzzle it like it was crack. Nobody is forcing you to watch porn and capeshit. It's your own fault.

It's hilarious that even you incels tacitly admit that jews are smarter and whites are just mindless insect slaves with no agency

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wtf I never knew IQ was a racist conspiracy. I love all races now.

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Why couldn't a black person make this exact same argument towards whites?

They’re likely legal loopholes.

>it's the jews fault whites die of opioids and porn overdose
dawwww is the wittle oxy-zombie being tied down and forced to eat all those popeyes sandwiches?

Attached: white race.png (1215x1000, 830.22K)

false equivalence

>gimme gibs
>we didn’t do nuffin
>Jews putting da white man down

Know your place snow nigger. Jews are the better race.

badly coping oxy-zombie

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>jews have higher GDP per capita
Number 19 behind most European states. Guess you were wrong again.

>tfw be Jewish
>wake up
>Some fat slobbering moron waddles in, gives me my bagel and cream cheese
>"good goy"
>Throw him a few oxycotin pills as he shrieks in delight
>Siri, Open Front Portal
>Front Wall opens up, revealing my massive window view of Manhattan
>Hold wine glass between my fingers, sip some scotch
>Throw my snotty tissue out the window and watch a nigger and mutt fight over the contents
>Goy, bring me my Jew Pad
>Another fat, barely sentient mutt servant brings me a secret piece of quantum jew tech
>Begin to manipulate the touch screen
>Ah, Switzerland's market is a tad too high today. We can't have that
>Press a frowny face and snicker
>Sit back in my chair and light a cigar. It's a secret jewish brew that doesn't have any of the cancer causing properties of goy-cigs
>Well, now while we wait for the fun to start...
>clap clap
>Row of 10/10 goy sex slaves come walking in
>Press button on my chair
>All their breasts begin to inflate

GODDAMN I love being Jewish

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>Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites

IQ is irrelevant. Both Jews and Blacks are bad for White nations. That is all that matters.

>tfw you find out Jews aren't unfairly rich or privileged
wtf! I guess that screaming incel before was wrong then.

H Y P O T H E S I S isn't factual Chaim.

agreed. Who cares about statistics. Only feelings matter.

Literally moving the goalposts

if you don't like being dominated by a superior race maybe fuck off to Somalia or something then. You'd fit in great there

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>>whites are overrepresented in things because they're smarter

Whites aren't over-represented. They have less than their proper representation in their own nations.

>>but jews are overrepresented cuz an evil conspiracy

Jews are harmful to White nations.

how quick the excuses for IQ begins. I don't think you'd be saying this in a black vs. white IQ thread

>hey goy, jews aren't a monolithic society. Quit acting like it is some super conspiracy where jews work together


literally just goggle "white privilege" lmao. Much more real evidence for it than muh jewish conspiracy etc

Jews are higher IQ so they get to make decisions for everyone, makes perfect sense to me.

israel is 30% arab. Jews are the top socio-economic class in the US and most developed countries.

whites are harmful to jewish nations, with their mass shootings. Also their obesity over-burdens the healthcare system.

Why is this phenotype so obsessed with jews?

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