Courage the Cowardly Dog

What did Yas Forums think of this show? Had some pretty genuinely creepy moments. What was the creepiest episode?

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For some reason the episode with the haunted mattress really freaked me out as a kid.

>that episode about his parents
I didnt want to feel

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For me, it was the episode with the zombie film directors.

As an aside, Katz was based

people will say they liked it because it was a great show, BUT if it came out RIGHT NOW current zoomer Yas Forums would be bashing it for being "le super spoopy" or think it's attempts at being profound or character development were too "reddit" for them.

You're not perfect.

For me, other than the obvious return the slab episode, it was the one where they turned people into those puppets

>For me, it was the episode with the zombie film directors.
I went back and watched that recently, was surprised they straight out mentioned them murdering people for movies

The 2 headed women who were making Muriel crochet or something and the "you're not perfect" scene.

The episode with the Schwick the Jewish cockroach in grimy New York was kino.

My younger brother decided to watch it recently having never seen it before.
>thought the spider episode with Katz was "too intense" which I took to meant the closeups
>seemed to like the killer mermaid episode, but was skeeved out at the end by the mermaid dog
>the classic zombie episode film episode he said was some horror material that explained why I'm so easily startled and had nightmares
>thought it was funny in the snowman episode Eustace melted
>same for the Eustace stranded on the moon with his duckling
I think what I like is how the music lends to the atmosphere of each monster.

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Dude same
Looking back it was a pretty tame exorcist parody but as a kid it terrified me.

I like the episode where his enemies all show up together and have a dodgeball game to the death

The one with the floating head was terrifying, only chads watched this show as kids

Wtf I thought I was the only one who still liked this show as an adult

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The one that I remember the most is the baby duck episode.
Don't mind me, just posting the most life-scarring part of the show

You sir... are extremely bald.

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I think Windmill Vandals was the scariest. Tower of Dr. Zalost was my favorite, though.


Creepiest ep was the Ramses ep. I had nightmares about it.

the lesbian episode left me very pensive and weary about abuse and sexuality
too much thrown at one time

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This episode felt like a fever dream just because of how fucking dark it was

Giant starfish is underrated horror. Also the one with Eustace’s brother’s box with the demon arms coming out really horrified me as a child.

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this shit right here unsettled me

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That episode with the giant moving castle shooting depression cannonballs at people still makes me feel weird.

I never understood why people thought this show was great. I grew up in the Cartoon Cartoon era and thought it was okay at best. Did I miss something?

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The one that scared me the most when I was a kid was the windmill and undead vandals episode. Between the lighting with the dark red sky, the creepy music, and the slow buildup to actually revealing them it really freaked me out.

Just watched it for the first time in years, holy shit. I can't believe this was aired to be honest, shit like this would never pass today.

Yeah this one got me the worst, as a kid that's some of the saddest/scariest shit there is

a brain

I like Heads of Beef the most.
It's not scary, but I enjoy the spooky diner setting and the horror/mystery pastiche.

how was this show allowed to be made for cartoon network